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SEO with website or PPC with landing page?

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SEO with website or PPC with landing page?

Hi every 1 :D , yes I am new and the info is great (been reading for a few hours now) 1 thing though is it better to use ppc with landing page or website with seo or are they the same thing-don't want to sound stupid :? !!! but I have been marketing ppc(using google,yaho,msn) linking to afiliate programs web pages(direct linking), i have made some money as in sales but in the big picture still behind the 8 ball by heaps of $$$.Thanks in advance for your help.
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Hello Carnic,

Welcome to Affilorama I hope you enjoy your stay... :D

With regards to your question, Should you do PPC? or 90 day Plan for a website to succeed?

What you are talking about here is two different strategies, and both of them work just fine, with advantages and disadvantages for each, I will talk through these and really leave it up to you for where you would like to pursue your affiliate income.

:arrow: No Website Marketing: There are tons of ways you can earn money without actually owning your own website and you touched on one of them PPC (pay per click) as long as you have a budget for the clicks and the sales page is converting for you this can be a good Tactic

PPC Tactic:

1. Choose Best Affiliate Program

2 . Set up multiple Adwords with good affordable keywords

3. Test and measure results example: 100 clicks with 10c per click = $10 Advertising with adwords, 1 sale = $30 commission, $30(commission) - $10 (Adwords) = $20 Nett profit

Very simple tactic that works as long as you are deriving a profit, here are some other Non website marketing tactics :idea:

- Article submissions (Link straight to product)
- Forum Signatures (Affiliate link at the bottom of every post you do)
- FREE Classified Adverts
- Add link in Ezine News Letters
- Comment in other peoples blogs (Signature link)
- Offline marketing with brochure, Letterbox drop (only good for local website)
- redirect a purchased URL straight to a affiliate program
- Create an e-book with affiliate links give it to someone with a database for FREE as a gift
- Create a video for youtube with a watermarked URL that is redirected straight to an Affiliate program.

Advantages: it's fast, easy, less time to complete tactics and marketing campaigns, test results very quickly, faster return of profit

Disadvantages: You may only get a one off sale, no chance of repeat customer, No list building, No up sell, cross sell, repeat sell, no loyalty, No business branding etc

:arrow: 90 Road Map Plan

:idea: As per Affilorama lesson...

- Build your own website
- Add article content
- Add a forum
- Add a blog
- Add reviews
- Develop own branding
- SEO website
- Various other marketing campaigns

Advantages: Build visitor loyalty, brand awareness, get repeat visitors, chance to cross sell, up sell, build a mailing list that you can market to later, Build an authority on a niche that people will remember

Disadvantages: Takes longer to implement, return of profits can take a while, easier for people to give up just before it succeeds, higher budget maybe required.

There are so many different ways to run an affiliate program business, the key is to choose the best way that suits you, your budget, and the strategy that you are comfortable with.

The best of success

Matt 8)
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Hi Matt,

Thanks for the comment :) , when I started playing around with ppc about 18 months ago I thought my stratagey would be 1; create cash flow with ppc 2; with that cash flow move on to web site marketing. The problem however has been that I hav'nt made any profits from ppc and the info available to a newbee is so vast and a lot of it is a strsight out scam :shock: :( .I read the Reese report :) and after what I have seen in here I am starting to think that creating an "authority" site would be a lot better for the long term, but man what a learning curve it's going to be.
What would you say the general consesciss is re ppc or website :? .

Thanks for your help,

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Hi Carl,

Sounds like you've got it around the wrong way! Most people start off with SEO and then jump over to PPC once they start earning enough to fund that expensive learning curve.

Since you've already dabbled in PPC, I would recommend giving SEO a go. Yes it's going to take a lot longer to get going, but in the meantime you're learning how everything works and developing skills that will also help you when you step over to PPC.

If you dive straight into PPC, you're basically taking a stab in the dark. You'll need to have a fair amount of money to burn (we're talking at least a thousand dollars, preferably more) and you'll need to be able to quickly see when things are working and when they're not, keeping a really close eye on your stats and really knowing how to research your market.

These things are skills you learn when creating a SEO site, but the difference with SEO is that you're not losing money while you're learning the ropes. With PPC even the most experienced internet marketers will lose cash before they start to make it.

I recommend you check out the latest Affilorama update... there are about 10 videos on how to do everything with PPC, should give you a good picture of what it's all about.

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Hi Mark,

:D Firstly can I say that Affilorama rocks and is the only place that I have actually been able to get answers (when Scott said that you really want to help, I was aprahensive BUT he actually meant it and it is like a breath of fresh chch air -you do partisipate and do want to help :D
Thanks heaps dude :D.

As I have already lost a lot of money and have got it round the wrong way through my own efforts I will take your advice and leave ppc for the time being and finish watching the 90 day plan and then Start Doing It.

thanks for giving me direction and don't worry I will ask as I only have 1 goal - to give my family the life they diserve.

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Sounds good Carl, let us know how you go.
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Hi Sean,

yep sure will just sorting out a topic :)

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Hi Carl,

Good to see you took my advice, I told you in my video's Mark and the team at Affiliorama were the real deal.

Make sure you watch the videos and keeping going!

I know you'll make it!

Have Fun

Scott Wilson
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Scott Wilson www.TheEntrepreneursCopyWriter.com E: [email protected] M: +64 21 891 934 P.S. Grab FREE money making gifts that will explode your businesses profits at www.TheEntrepreneursCopyWriter.com
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I agree. Affilorama was my best investment in 2006.

Like Mark said, read the last PDF update, and watch out the videos for PPC.

For SEO, follow the 90 days roadmap.

If you take action, you are going to succeed. There is no secrets.

carnic wrote:Hi Mark,

:D Firstly can I say that Affilorama rocks and is the only place that I have actually been able to get answers (when Scott said that you really want to help, I was aprahensive BUT he actually meant it and it is like a breath of fresh chch air -you do partisipate and do want to help :D
Thanks heaps dude :D.

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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
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Hi Scott,

Hows it goin Yea I guess it makes a diffrence when you take advice and don't worry I won't be stopping any time soon.

Hi superaff,

Cheers for the support and yes I am an action taker (learn while I'm doin it with the support and back up here).


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Posts: 352
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Hey Carl, see you to the top then!

Just a thing that may help you: In the beginning, set up a goal: $300 per month (that's $10 a day). Work like mad to reach your goal.

Once you reach this point, set up a higher goal (for me, it was $500), and so on...

This is dumb, but it helps a lot.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html