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SEO - Google indexing and site updates

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Joined: 03 Sep 06

SEO - Google indexing and site updates

Hello Guys :

This is my first post in here and i hope that some here can decode my
bad english :D :)

1-Can I use wordtracker instead of themezoom to get the long search terms?

2-My pages are indexed by Google but I want to change them as I have
Spaces in my file names so is there any harm if I changed them?
And will it change my position? What shall be use instead?
Example: file_name.html or file-name.html?

3-Can I use the long keyword phrases in my page title and
Description in order to target the keyword phrases we learned
About in the master plan and will they be effective if change my
Html file names to targeted keywords?

4-My site has clickbank products on it and am updating the
Products and sorting them by gravity so what should be
The minimum gravity of listed product?

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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Hello and welcome. I am going to let someone else answer your first question as I have not used theme zoom.

2-My pages are indexed by Google but I want to change them as I have
Spaces in my file names so is there any harm if I changed them?
And will it change my position? What shall be use instead?
Example: file_name.html or file-name.html?

If you have rankings then yes you will lose them unless you do a permanent 301 redirect. You need to create a file in notepad and save it as .htaccess NOT .htaccess.txt make sure it is just .htaccess

Then you will put the following in that file.
redirect 301 /oldpagehere.html

So if your old site was
and the page that was ranking well was h
    ttp://www.testsite.com/cool beans.html

You would put this:
redirect 301 /cool beans.html


3-Can I use the long keyword phrases in my page title and
Description in order to target the keyword phrases we learned
About in the master plan and will they be effective if change my
Html file names to targeted keywords?

Yes, but do not keyword spam.

4-My site has clickbank products on it and am updating the
Products and sorting them by gravity so what should be
The minimum gravity of listed product?

Gravity really has nothing to do with the amount of products sold. It simply means how many different people sold it. A product could have a gravity of 1 and be sold 1 million times a month. Use your judgement to see if the product is crap or not.

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Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Sep 06
Thanks Adrian that was great
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You are welcome. Enjoy!

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Site Admin
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1) ThemeZoom is a very advanced tool, and it's not necessary just for finding long search terms. Even the free tool at http://inventory.overture.com will give you long search terms if you "dig" down deep enough, as will the keyword tool in Traffic Travis. Just plug in a general word, then keep clicking on the results it pulls up until you find yourself looking at a suitably obscure keyword :)

The benefit to using a tool like WordTracker is that it will differentiate between certain terms that Overture's keyword popularity tool lumps in together -- like plurals. Particularly for long-tail search terms this might be quite important.

I do recommend WordTracker. Even if it's just for that reason and the fact that we're often not as creative as we think we are. There will be some terms that you don't think of.

- Mark
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Then you will put the following in that file.
redirect 301 /oldpagehere.html

what if the old page was not "html"? would you leave it out? say
redirect 301 /oldpagehere
I have an old page I have been so far unsuccesful at redirecting with the xsite pro software with this problem.
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