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search engine indexing

Posts: 13
Joined: 20 Mar 07

search engine indexing

Hello. Can anyone tell me how long it usually takes to index a site. I know Google says weeks to months, but is there an average? It's driving me nuts that glad2bhome.com has not been indexed yet. I don't have enough pages on that site to warrant a site map, and I've submitted the site to Google already. If someone could tell me their experiences, I'd be much obliged. Thanks much. Happy affiliating.
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Tony Hernandez Glad2BHome
Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Not very long at all. Just be patient...

PS: You need to fix your signature link... HTML is not allowed in the forum. You must use BB code.
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Posts: 13
Joined: 20 Mar 07
adrian wrote:Not very long at all. Just be patient...

PS: You need to fix your signature link... HTML is not allowed in the forum. You must use BB code.

HI Adrian. Thanks for the tip. This signature should be much improved. I've had the site up for about three weeks, and no experience with how long it takes a site to be indexed. I have another site up that I built about sixteen months ago, but it was not a site for making money, so I didn't worry about how long it took for it to be indexed. It did get indexed, but I sure didnt' watch and anxiously wait. Is three weeks a long time as indexing goes? Thank you again.
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Tony Hernandez Glad2BHome
Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Google may have already crawled your site but has not exported that to their index status.... post a few links on some blogs and/or a forum to help speed the process.
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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
If you haven't got any links to your site, don't expect to be indexed any time soon.

Get a couple of links and you'll be indexed in no time :)
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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HI, Sean. I traded links with about four sites, and joined a yahoo group for webmasters with sites related to homeschooling and posted a link there. Been looking for forums that will allow me to post my site. It's slow going because some forums don't like people to "advertise", by posting links to my own site, as in my signature. Gonna keep pounding the cyber pavement. Thanks for the tips, Sean and Adrian.
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Tony Hernandez Glad2BHome
Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
Sounds good Tony, as soon as those sites are spidered, your site will be indexed.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
Posts: 14
Joined: 15 Feb 07
If you're still wondering.

glad2bhome.com is already indexed I see one page in google.

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