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Rewriting & republishing duplicate content

jennifer clancy
Posts: 9
Joined: 29 Jul 10

Rewriting & republishing duplicate content

If I publish a site that may have duplicate content because I didnt rewrite all the articles from a PLR package I bought, but then work at them one at a time and republish the site accordingly, what will happen to my google rankings (If I improve my site over time, will my rankings improve as well, or will I be shunned forever because of the start of my website's content)??
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Google keeps indexing your website every now and then. Even if google finds your content as duplicate at first and when it crawls for the second time and if it finds your content is fresh the definitely your ranking will be boosted. Its all about content for google. So no worries.. But remember to rewrite it.
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Google penalizes duplicate content and your site might get sandboxed. It can take up to 6 months to get out of the sandbox so I'd suggest that you avoid publishing duplicate content on your site.
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jennifer clancy
Posts: 9
Joined: 29 Jul 10
Thank you all for your help, I restarted the site from scratch and Im going one article at a time now. Will Google remember my first site? Or will my fresh start be just that?
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Google will see the changes when they recrawl the page. And then they would update their index. It will be difficult to say when this would happen but some say it usually takes a few weeks. Getting traffic to your site would make it faster :)
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Hi Jennifer,

If you have all-new URLs for sub-pages on your site, it would be a good idea to generate a sitemap and submit it through google webmaster tools.
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This topic was started on Dec 24, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
