Rankbuilder NEO and the future of backlinking
Hi All! This is my first post here but I hope to be writing more. I just saw Mark Ling's offer of the new RankBuilder NEO and am tempted to get it. Right now I have an outsource team doing 80% of the work this software could do.trevor2 wrote:On marks recommendation signed up for the 4.95 trail of Rank Builder Neo. I signed up with the intention of using it to do link wheels on web 2.0 properties. I have watched all the training videos that were provided in the Rank Builder Neo forum.
I'm hoping someone with rank builder experience can help me out because unless I'm missing something that software doesn't seem to be very worth while.
After seeing the software here are my concerns
1. It doesn't do link wheels. As far as I can tell it only post web 2.0 profile links. It does not allow you to post content with contextual links to web 2.0 properties.
2. With the exception of some article directories it only generates low quality links. ie profile links, social bookmarking, rss, etc. While these link may be worthwhile at 2nd tier links are they going to help your site rank?
I'm hoping that someone with some experience with Rank Builder can shed some insight onto some things that I may be missing. I would like to have a software that can automate the task of link wheel creation.
This topic was started on Jun 20, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.