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quick question on anchor text

Posts: 7
Joined: 08 Oct 09

quick question on anchor text

Hi guys,

I'm outsourcing my link building, my link builder is doing a good job but I'm worried that she (although I think it's really a he!) is not creating anchor text properly on some sites:

Here is an example: http://www.datapowerforum.com/index.php ... sa=summary

She's signing up to forums and putting my website in the website field, and my key words as her name. But it appears that she is creating ALL of my key words as the anchor text, not creating anchor text for each keyword.

Before I begin trying to discuss this with her (her English isn't too good!) I want to make 100% sure that this is an incorrect method of creating anchor text for keywords.

Can anyone confirm this? Thanks! :)

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Hi Aiden,

The way she has done it on that page is indeed not correct because it comes across as spammy. The "Website" field is asking for your website and what one would expect to see there is the URL or the name of your website. The signature that she has put in is also not good. The way you have done your signature here on Affilorama is how it should be done over there.

Here on Affilorama we frown upon keyword usernames, and I presume that most other quality forums and sites also disapprove of such. It's actually a form of spam when you use keywords instead of a proper username.

And each keyword or keyword phrase should indeed be used alone when being used as anchor text.

Perhaps you should look for a linkbuilder who has more knowledge and experience in going about proper non-spam linkbuilding and can understand your English instructions well.
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Posts: 7
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Hi Faradina,

Yes I tend to agree, thank you very much :)
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I would like to add that if you still want to continue using her (probably he / she is cheap) you can design the anchor text for her just the way you want. It is going to be a pain but that way you know that its being done right.
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Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Apr 09
Hi Suprah
the other thing, I put my outsourcer through an English Grammar course, it wasn't that expensive. She has really improved since then.
Just a thought.
regards Robyn
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