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Outsourcing seo tasks

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Outsourcing seo tasks

I want to outsource certain seo tasks such as article submission, web 2.0 etc. I am wondering what the best practice is with regards to email accounts as I will be outsourcing to different freelancers. Do you just get them to create a new email account each time and then provide me the username/password. Anyone else know the best approach for this, thanks.

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Last edited by chettvq24 on 08 Mar 11 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Yes, you could just give them a username and let them create an email address and profile.
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Hi Adam,

I am not too sure about best practice or outsourcing for that matter as I tend to use tools and do it myself. This is primarily due to the fact that when it comes to SEO, if your on-page optimisation is up to scratch for each and every post, it is then up to back-links to each and every post and your site as a whole. What is even more important is the quality of your back-links; i.e. the quality and PR ranking of the site linking back to you.

You have identified two with article directories and web 2.0 sites; these will help as they generally have high PR with Google however you should also consider social bookmarking and RSS sites as these also have high PR value; and let's not forget web 2.0 profiles and forums.

If you are wanting to outsource these tasks then, in my view you don't need to provide any email address or passwords. The reason I say that is this; you are only interested in the back-links, and that is all.

May I suggest this; when you outsource provide the subject and links to your articles/posts that are relevant to the subject. If you want to keep track of where the links are coming from and manage the sites your links are posted to then either ask your free-lancer who they post to or give them sites you want your links posted to; for example, hub-pages, Blogger, Squidoo, Xanga, Ezine, Digg, etc.

Here's the thing, as your free-lancer is providing and posting the article for you all you really need to know is that you have a link back to the relevant article/post on your site. Even the quality of their article doesn't matter as it is not your article and all you want is the link.

So, in my view and in summary; all you need to provide is the relevant subject, the links and, possibly where you want them posted.

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Last edited by johnalbrett on 09 Mar 11 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

John Albrett
Orinoco Limited
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I create these and usually receive either an email address and details or create one for the promotion campaign (you would need just the preferred user name / main keyword. )

Things you want to watch out for -

1. Make sure the accounts are yours
2. Require a spreadsheet with all recorded data

You will need to prepare your profile, keywords etc' in advance to get the most out of it!

I disagree with John about the quality of the content. At the end of the day, if a link is pointing to you, the site needs to reflect your business and quality. And with the recent changes in Google, article directories such as Ezinearticles are upping their quality requirements.
I hope this helps!
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You are correct about quality. However what I didn't explain clearly is that Adam won't have to worry about quality if he is outsourcing both the article creation and its submission as the freelancer will take care of this. If they are submitting to Ezine for example then Ezine insist on quality. If you are using a high PR site then quality may be important but not necessary as they already have their ranking for the site and they may accept a lower quality article to make reference to a higher qualtiy one, which is on your site.

Anyway what is important is if Adam is to outsource the entire process all he needs to know from his freelancer is that he is receiving quality links to his pages and website. What makes this hard is that we think of it from the perspective that we are writing the article, that it is our website and that it has our name on it but if you are outsourcing the entire process then all you need are links that are relevant to your pages and keywords and from Googles perspective it's better if the article that is providing a link back to you has nothing to do with you.

I hope this helps to clear things up.

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John Albrett
Orinoco Limited
[email protected]
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Hi guys

New to this. Grabbed the Affilojet pack a couple of months ago and now have 3 sites with auto responders set up and 20 articles per website.

Still challenging but getting there. Hopefully by end of this weekend will have all 3 sites ready for the 'back linking' process. Inline forms/pop ups and backlinks to add to 2 sites this weekend.

I have already submitted one website to the 3 Directories Infignos, So much and Dmoz.

Its confusing trying to understand this generic term 'back link' and what it means.

It appears writing articles and submitting them is a big part of the puzzle. Getting involved on forums as well.

So, my question is how valuable are these sites like www.fiverr.com that offer hundreds-thousands of backlinks for $5?
Surely they would be?
What do you need to ask them or submit to them? Just your website URL?

Are they a valid option? Is so, who are the best/reputable ones?

What about odesk.com?

A few ideas or sites to submit to to get me on track would be appreciated. In other words a sequence of tasks/sites to follow as a guide.

Thanks guys!
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honestly, most of the link builders at sites like Fiverr are just doing spam links, which don't do you much good at all, although they can help. a few things I have done there that are helpful are rss feed submissions, directory submissions, etc...

link building is about getting links but also branding your business. if you hire these link builders that are spamming, you will brand yourself as a spammer, and people will be more likely to ignore you.

you can hire someone from Odesk to do tasks for you, but again, I wouldnt rely on them exclusively. You would do better to hire a virtual assistant that is working for you full time than just hiring the random link builders.

when it comes to outsourcing linking ask yourself does this brand your business, yourself as an authority, or neither? things like article submissions to directories, setting up your social profiles, and submitting RSS feeds really dont do either, so I use services that do these for me over time. Blog commenting and forum commenting brand myself personally, so I always do these myself. I have a VA that does things like posting on my web2.0 sites, and manage my FB wall, where I am doing quick things that brand my business, but don't necessarily have to brand myself. for example, on my fan pages I try to post 3-4 times a day with valuable resources to other content, as well as sharing my own articles. since the main thing we are doing is sharing links to other sites, my VA can do this as well as I do. they have the full list of blogs that I follow, plus I have taught them how to find blogs and resources within the niches we are working on, so they can find stuff relevant to our fans to share.

they also do some blog commenting for me, although I am careful to follow up on the comments they are leaving to make sure they arent spamming.

When it comes to using services like Fiverr, each one will have different requirements for what they need to do your submissions. when you purchase these services, they will tell you what they need.
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I agree James. Link building is not just about building links, but buildign a reputation for your business and yourself.

Hiring someone is always the easiest option, but you need to consider what your aim is in outsourcing someone to do what you should be doing. I find that most outsource article writing and submission and that is understandable, it is not easy to come up with a good, original article if you are not articulate enough on paper. Management for article submission tasks is easy as well since you can always ask your writer to show the article to you before submitting it to article directories.

For all other tasks like blog/forum commenting, you may want to consider doing this on your own since you may have your own style of commenting.
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You need only a user name , password and email for using a outsource work like freelancer.when you register a outsourcing site then all your information is required for creating a account.....


For more information about outsource visit outsource seo and seo services.
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Use your own email and give them the password. If you are worried about trust issues then you should not. When you outsource, you should give trust. Not in the sense that you should give out the trust without knowing the but of course with proper preparation. There are many businesses that fail in outsourcing because they don't know how to deal with the problems in outsourcing.

When you look for service providers, consider reviews and feedback. This is one way to know if you can trust them. Take time to carefully interview them so you will know how they handle tasks and projects and agree on terms and conditions.
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For Solutions to Your Outsourcing Problems: http://www.timedoctor.com/biz3.0/15-essential-outsourcing-tips/

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