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Improving SEO for my site?

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Improving SEO for my site?

Help please, from anyone experienced with Wordpress blogs!

My understanding is that much of the SEO is automatically done with plugins etc. I have some of these ... I guess I just need to know what else that I need to do so that I can finally reach page 1 of the search engines.

My work-from-home blog is


My title comprises my main keywords (although on further investigation the words chosen may be changed).

In 'Options' 'General' my tagline also includes the above keyword phrase.

Under the SEO Title plugin the name for title field is just showing as 'title
_tag'. Under "for all other pages include blog name in titles?" - I have showing 'No'.

I have the Autometa plugin which shows as correctly configured and ready for use and the necessary indexes have been created.

Under 'Manage' 'Posts' all categories are showing as keyword phrases.

Under aLinks 'Keyphrases' the keyphrases are monetised and link to Clickbank and Amazon Basic, although I had not realized that these were keyphrases, thinking them just linking words, so may need to fine-tune in that area.

That said, is there anything else I need to do to get this blog properly optimized, either manually or by correct use of a plugin?

Any help on this one would be gratefully accepted as you can't seem to set the H1 and H2 tags etc as you do on a normal website., and of course the
main page of a blog where not static, is continually changing as more posts are being added.

Many thanks

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If you've done all that, then your on page optimisation sounds alright.

But at that means nothing if you don't have links pointing to your page. Go get lots and lots of high quality links. Watch Mark interview Marc Lindsay on this if you don't know anything about it.
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Thanks - that is reassuring. I do realize that the 'on page' stuff is only part of the whole thing and will definitely be out to get as many inwards links as I can and I will check out the video. Thanks again.


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diogenes wrote:
That said, is there anything else I need to do to get this blog properly optimized, either manually or by correct use of a plugin?

Any help on this one would be gratefully accepted as you can't seem to set the H1 and H2 tags etc as you do on a normal website., and of course the
main page of a blog where not static, is continually changing as more posts are being added.

Don't worry, just do a search at Google for these plug-ins:

SEO Title tag
Ultimate Tag Warrior

You can find more on my blog in the wordpress section:
SEO and Wordpress
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Yea there should be a wide variety of extras you can get.
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Posts: 50
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Thanks guys - I have the SEO Title Tag - but will check out the Ultimate Warrior tag.


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