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How does Google Calculate time on page?

Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Dec 15

How does Google Calculate time on page?

Hi everyone,

I would like to know that How does Google Calculate time on page?

Welcome your comments.
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If you are referring to the time spent by a visitor on the page, you can track this using Google Analytics.
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Hi Lisa,

Google puts a time stamp whenever any user lands on a particular page then it compares the time stamp of one page with the other. E.g. Any user enters the site on Page A and moves to Page B then lands to Page C and finally leaves the site. In this case, a time stamp is put on Page A suppose its 10:10, when the user moves to Page B, another time stamp is placed on Page B, suppose its 10:20 and then when the user lands on Page C, another time stamp is placed, lets say 10:30. Now to calculate time on Page A, Google will subtract the time stamp on Page B with that of A. In this case, 10:20-10:10 which will come to 10 minutes for Page A.

Hope, It helps.
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^^^ What Caroline said.

But importantly: Google Analytics can't timestamp when someone LEAVES your site.

So if the user lands on page C at 10:30 and then closes their browser window or searches for something else in their address bar at 10:35, Google doesn't know that they spent 5 minutes on your page. They just know that page C was the last page that user viewed.

So the "time on page" isn't totally reliable.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Google actually do not turns on a timer when you come to the page. First, it tracks when you came to the page, then it tracks when the session was over and then it consuming these two values and all. Actually, if you'd like to know where he takes the data when counting the oin-page time, the first thing is:
Google Analytics code specified on the pages of your website;
the second thing is: Browser Google Chrome, but I'm not actually sure if its not such a complex task for google to track the time via Chrome and compare it with the data from analytics.

Also, I have question about the tracking on-page time. How do you think, will the google analytics count as the end of the session on the website when user come from the page where the GA is installed to the page where it doesn't?
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Posts: 94
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It is not easy to measure the time on the website but with the help of Google analytics tool, you can track the time on page.
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does the statistic getting fake results duo to bots and crawlers?
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Posts: 42
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Measuring time on a website can be hard. Really hard. Every web analytics tool has issues, and that includes Google Analytics.

I’d like to clarify how Google Analytics track time on page and visit length. It’s probably different than you think.
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Posts: 21
Joined: 15 Oct 15
Hello lisahandson,

The time spent survey the last page is (as a matter of course) excluded in the time on page computation by Google examination. This is on account of they can just quantify the information that they are sent.

Here are is the information they get:
page one stacked at 10:03:00
page two stacked at 10:03:10
page three stacked at 10:03:20

So the details would be:
Visit length: 20s
visit site visits: 3
Page one: sees 1, time on page: 10s
page two: sees 1, time on page: 10s
page three: sees 1, time on page 0s

So for a more significant normal time on page utilize your second equation: AvgTimeOnPage = add up to time on page/(add up to site hits add up to exits).

Anurag Gupta
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