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How Do I Get Traffic From Forums?

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How Do I Get Traffic From Forums?

I'm new to this. I've got my site up and running, created a FB, Twitter and Google+. I haven't done any paid advertising as yet. I have been told you can promote your website through blogs/forums etc, by answering questions, offering support etc. My niche is health/weight loss etc.

I've run into a road block so to speak. The sites I looked into registering with have terms and conditions. YOU CANNOT USE THEIR FORUM TO ADVERTISE YOUR WEBSITE OR ANY PRODUCTS FOR MONETARY GAIN. Yes they even have it in capital letters! I'm sure I'd be kicked off if I even tried.

Has any one else run into this? Any suggestions please?

Thank you,

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Have you looked at the signature for people who post on the forum? If they have a signature with a link back to their site, then you can probably do the same. It could be that they don't want postings that are purely sales-type of posts.
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vivianr330 wrote:Have you looked at the signature for people who post on the forum? If they have a signature with a link back to their site, then you can probably do the same. It could be that they don't want postings that are purely sales-type of posts.

Yes, true. What is meant is 'spamming via forums'. There are some members that make just a post or two in reputed forums with the sole intention of selling their product or service. This amounts to nothing but spamming. A growing affiliate marketer should certainly desist from such a practice.
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At the same time don't be one of those people who goes into a forum and posts some useless comment ("Good comment, I totally agree") just to get your footer links in front of faces.

Gah. I freaking hate that, and I will ban people from this forum if I smell that in their forum posts.

Aside from footer links and contributing something useful to the discussion, you might also want to look for a forum that isn't quite so uppity about this. Forums usually only get all CAPS LOCKY like that when they've been hammered by spammers in the past. So look for forums that aren't such immediate targets.

I find it much easier to share my site in forums if I have something really nice to share with people. I create content that I KNOW will make people go "Oh wow! That's so awesome!"

One nice trick is to hang out in forums for a bit and see what kind of stuff people really want, but aren't able to find. It could be a simple explanation of a complicated concept, it could be some kind of tool, it could be a collection of links to useful resources, etc.

Then create content on your website that addresses this need. You might need to put a bit of effort into creating it... not just a twenty minute article or something. Also forget about whether there's a keyword for it, or anything like that. Your goal is to get people saying WOW and sharing your site with each other.

Then you can go into the forum (one that isn't all CAPSLOCKY in their aversion to links) and say something like "Hey guys, I saw someone asking this the other day so I put together this resource for you. I hope you like it. If there's anything you think is missing please let me know."

I've done this before, expecting to be shot down, and I've been really surprised how appreciative people have been. I even did it on Reddit -- that most unforgiving of public forums -- and all I got was comments like "wow, that's really useful, thanks!"

Someone also added me to their list of resources, and every time a newbie comes into the forum asking newbie questions, that person comes along and shares my site. If you make something good, it will keep on giving!
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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You cannot directly promote your business on forums and discussion communities. Most of the people try to register with their business name on such websites which is completely wrong approach. When we talk about discussion boards, communities , forums etc. the only thing you need to do is to share good and relevant information on queries that are related to your business. This shows your expertise on these areas and if you become an active participant on those forums, your profile start getting noticed by other users. The only thing that can bring user to your website is your profile signature which appears next to the all the replies you added on queries.
While using forums, do not go their with any promotional purposes, just share your knowledge and expertise, that will be enough to bring user to your website if you provide useful piece of content.
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In this post Panda-Penguin period, forums are not really good places to do backlinking and SEO. Like the wonderful comments above, you use forums and community-based sites to communicate and share your opinion, feedback, and view and knowledge on something. You do forums to share what you know and at the same time also learn from others. And by actively participating in the forums you build relationships and network over time.
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I think you are high page forum submission and offer site to submit your offer.
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In forum posting you can read or share your opinions on different-different topics. Forms sites gives you the area for post your site links and promote it further more. it's the best way to get natural links or backlinks.
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To get traffic from forums you should be present and publish something at least a few times a week and add signature to your forums.
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Getting traffic from forums sites is not hard. Firstly you should have to consider some point such as responded users, share relevant & useful information, add signature and multimedia content. So these all are the point which are helpful for get traffic.
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Nice post to sharing information. thank you to for the useful post :) :)
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In forums, healthy discussions are important to get traffic for your website.Give detailed information of asked question and show your expertise on any particular topic, then automatically you will get traffic.

Without giving value or solving problem, how people will come to know that you are expert or sharing something which is valuable.

So try hard to learn these techniques and avoid spamming in forums.
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There are some techniques to get traffic from Forum.
1. Pick the right forum
2. Choose username carefully
3. Put a link in your signature
4. Craft your profile carefully
5. Don’t be spammy
6. Provide quality content
7. Start new threads
8. Post often
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