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Help needed with indexing

Posts: 99
Joined: 18 Feb 07

Help needed with indexing

I'm not too sure how I'm supposed to link to a site to get Google (for instance) to index my site. Presumably the site to which I intend linking should be of relevant content to mine and show up in an SE search - and ideally have a good amount of traffic? Should I contact the site owner to see if they're happy for me to link to them in this manner? Is there a protocol to be observed?

Once the above is dealt with, then I guess it really as simple as editing "http://www.theirdomain.com" into my site as discussed in Lesson 3.3 on the members page?

Is there any advantage in linking to more than one site?

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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
HEre is what you should do to get your link in less than 10 minutes Step by Step.

1) Write a small article on your subject. (200-300 words)

2) Add a bio box at the end of the article:

Your Name is an expert in Golf Shoes, Wonder how he can win 99% of the time? Visit his <a href="http://www.yoursite.com">Golf Shoes</a> site now and learn from an expert!

Explanation: Golf Shoes (in the a tag is your anchor text) will link back to your website, and Google will find it.

3) Go to http://www.goarticles.com
4) Register
5) Confirm email
6) Log in and submit your article.

7) Enjoy yourself!
8 ) Continue to work on your plan.

P.S: BE sure to replace Golf with your own keyword
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Thanks Superaff, got an article or two ready to go & I'm ok on the "anchor" bits. Spot of KW work to do now.

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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
Excellent, let us know how it's going.

At goarticles.com, you will be approved approximately after 2 hours. Let us know when your article is live.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
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Just a quick point: All you need to do to get indexed by Google is be linked to from another site that is already being crawled by Google. It doesn't necessarily need to be a link relevant to your site. Of course, it's better for your SEO if it is, but right at the start that doesn't matter too much.

You could just make a post on a blog with your site URL and that should be picked up, (provided the blog owner hasn't blocked spiders from following links on the blog.)

All the best,
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Any recommendations of sites that provide an indexing service?
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Just find a blog and post a comment with your URL inserted. You dont need any submission services.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Guess who owns this Blog - it's Google.

Try it. You won't be disappointed.

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thanks all
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