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Google Seeks to Weaken SE Ranking of “Content Farms"

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Joined: 26 Nov 09

Google Seeks to Weaken SE Ranking of “Content Farms"

Google has announced that it is fixing flaws in its algorithm that allows search results to be spammed, while also planning to weaken the search-ability of websites referred to as ”content farms.” Matt Cutts, head of Google’s anti-spam team, writes:

As “pure webspam” has decreased over time, attention has shifted instead to “content farms,” which are sites with shallow or low-quality content. In 2010, we launched two major algorithmic changes focused on low-quality sites. Nonetheless, we hear the feedback from the web loud and clear: people are asking for even stronger action on content farms and sites that consist primarily of spammy or low-quality content.

You knew it was coming...

http://www.infowars.com/google-seeks-to ... -websites/
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Last edited by faradina on 25 Jan 11 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: shortened title to fit

Posts: 475
Joined: 28 Apr 09
That's great news! Thanks for sharing.
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List not growing fast enough?
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Thanks for the information,bartko09
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Posts: 373
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Wonder how they could get an algorithm to judge the quality of a sites content?
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JC Dean
Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
I believe it's not the algorithm that scrutinizes the content. I think they actually have people go through the content.
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Posts: 55
Joined: 24 Nov 09
I think a couple years ago Google indexed over a trillion urls. There is no possible way that human beings can read every one of those pages of content.

One of the techniques I've seen promoted in other forums is to find PLR and load tons of it "as is" over a period of time into sites like blogger and word press.

Looks like the duplicate content ax Mark has been talking about is starting to chop a bit harder.
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Posts: 78
Joined: 16 Oct 09
According to a recent cheerleading article by TechCrunch, content farms indeed include websites that post any duplicate content word-for-word

Well, it seems blog networks are still safe for now
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