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Best SEO Article Marketing / Link Building Service Ever ! !

Posts: 31
Joined: 24 Jan 10

Best SEO Article Marketing / Link Building Service Ever ! !

Hi Guys,

I know many of you probably already know or have dealt with me on a personal basis. Well, over the last couple of months I partnered with Chrisi (Smuigal) and we have been working on putting together a comprehensive Article Marketing SEO Service for Affilorama Members.
I don't want to turn this into a long overly hyped sales page because we are positive the results will speak for themselves.

Here is what we have to offer:

One article will be created at 550 words and then spun 3 times.

One extra article is written at 100 words and spun thrice.

These are then systematically submitted to a massive network of programs over a period of one month.

1. Unique Article Wizard (UAW) -$67.00 per month
2. Article Marketing Automation (AMA) - $47.00 per month
3. Article Productions (AP) - $37.00 per month
4. Article Marketing Robot (AMR) - $77.00
5. EzineArticles.com (EZA) - free to submit
6. Ezipps.com (Chrisi's personal site, article directory syndication)

Articles are also created and added to the following sites
wordpress.com, blog.com, blogspot.com

Ten new backlinks on average are created automatically everyday
using Linkjuice ($47.00 monthly).

A BONUS video will be created this first month. This is a test
so you're in on this one as a freebie. We may charge an extra fee
to the monthly service for this option. This video is creating
using Animoto ($39.00 per month business acc.)

One undisclosed SUPER BONUS that should rock your backlinks!

Try doing all this yourself and you could be spending well over $250 a month on the programs alone. If you add article writing and spinning the price could just look obscene!
We are basically your best outsourcing ally and will leave you to concentrate on the big picture as we do all the hard work.

These are emailed to you at the end of the month.

Monthly fee - $97

Special discount - $48.50 (50% discount for the first 10 people that sign up)


If you are interested, I will get back to you on payment details and the url / keywords to provide for this incredible Article Marketing SEO / Link Building Service.

PM or email me for details. [email protected]

To your success,

P.S - All PM's / emails will be replied within 24 hours by Chrisi or myself. Chrisi is based in United States and I live in New Zealand so this works well as we cover all time zones.
  • 1
I'm not here to sell you anything but glad to help whenever I can only through Pivate Msg.
Posts: 26
Joined: 27 Jul 10
Congratulation first,
$97 or $48/month?
for 1 Keyword since one article, then 3 times spun,1xspun 100words+1 animoto video+3xweb 2.0 backlinking+6 articlemarketing,right?

How about custom projects?
ie 5 kw=5 unique articles, 3 times spun
submissions article directories of choice?
traditional backlinking (blog,forum comment,web 2.0 to at least PR 2+

  • 1
Posts: 31
Joined: 24 Jan 10
Hi Bill,

$48.50 is for the first 10 people that subscribe.
You are allowed 3 keywords and these can be varied. We also require 3 urls.
One article is written and submitted as described in my post above.

As for custom projects, you will have to PM me so that we can arrange a plan that suits your needs.

We look forward to working with you.

  • 1
I'm not here to sell you anything but glad to help whenever I can only through Pivate Msg.
Posts: 5
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Congratulation dennis,

I hope you will be successful.I may ask for your services once I have a web site to promote:-)
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Posts: 90
Joined: 18 Aug 10
article submission is the best seo technique and helpful for website promotion and also best for generate quality back links.
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Posts: 31
Joined: 24 Jan 10
  • 1
I'm not here to sell you anything but glad to help whenever I can only through Pivate Msg.
Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Oct 12
does this offer still valid?
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This topic was started on Oct 03, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.