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Backlinks Updating Issue in Webmaster Tools

Posts: 53
Joined: 28 Apr 14

Backlinks Updating Issue in Webmaster Tools

One of my websites is not ranked in Google searches. The website is 6 months older and I have created backlinks for my website. Last month when I saw my website is not ranked and also backlinks in webmaster tools were not updating from the start. It was showing the same number of backlinks for last 5 months. Then I delete the site from webmaster tools and re-enter it in my webmaster tools. Now it shows the updated number of backlinks. But again it is stuck to that number from one month or so. Is there any issue related to it that doesn’t let my website rank in search results not even in last page?
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Site Admin
Posts: 3224
Joined: 16 Apr 12
Hi Stevex,

How often are you doing backlinks for your website?
Are you building backlinks from different sites or the same sites?

There are several reasons why the number of your backlinks are not increasing and this DOES NOT INCLUDE OR RELATE to Google Webmaster tool (which btw has no technical problem). Some of the reasons are:

1. because you are not building new backlinks- you should spend at least an hour everyday or at least several hours a week to increase the number of your backlinks
2. because the sites you are building your backlinks from are the same- you must create backlinks from different sites because Google only counts one backlink from the same IP/domain
3. because the sites you have built your backlinks from no longer exist- this is possible, especially with directories

Of course if you have few backlinks, your ranking on SERPs is also affected. I suggest you check out the 3 possible reasons above to resolve the issue on your backlinks.
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
Posts: 105
Joined: 10 Jun 15
There were many of complaints in the Google forums and other SEO forums about the link tool not showing the right number of links or no links at all. Google webmaster tools is slow to update back link.

If you go for any paid back link checker tool like HREF, You will be able to check out your recent back link.
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This topic was started on Jun 29, 2015 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
