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Backlinking outside of niche?

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Joined: 19 Nov 09

Backlinking outside of niche?

When building backlinks does it necessarily matter if the links you submit to blogs/forums/websites are not in any way related to the niche in which you are building links to your site for?
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I did a little research on your question and found this:

How to increase backlinks with Relevant & Related Websites

Now, for your blog backlinks, here are two very important items for you to consider. I call them the two R’s, Relevant & Related. To gain a strong reputation on the web it is very important that you only link to relevant or related websites. If your blog is about quilting and you’re backlinking with websites that talk about basketball then there isn’t a relevant or related association. You will turn away potential customers because they won’t find any relationship between your blog and the website they just came from.

The source link is: http://how-to-create-backlinks1.blogspot.com/

Hope that helps
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I agree. One thing that most people fail to recognize is that link building is not just about getting rankings in the search engines. Why do you want search rankings in the first place?

To get RELEVANT traffic to your site. Focus your link building on relevant sites. Also, take some time to use the social aspects of sites such as Squidoo and Hubpages. Leave comments on relevant pages. This will drive traffic to your pages, and give you traffic while you wait for the search engines to rank your site.
Also use social bookmarking sites such as Digg, technorati, and stumbleupon. Don't just bookmark your own sites. join the community. Make friends with the people there interested in your niche. This will give you a lot of traffic.

The fact is, Google controls i think it is 80% of the SEARCH traffic on the web. However, only about 30% of the web traffic actually uses the search engines.

The rest find their way through referrals from relevant sites. Relying on search traffic is limiting yourself from most of the traffic available. In order to get that traffic, you MUST be linking from sites that are relevant to your topic.
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I was thinking more in terms of ranking in the search results for a given keyword if it matters which niche the link came from
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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
I think James hit the nail on the head here...

jmpruitt wrote:I agree. One thing that most people fail to recognize is that link building is not just about getting rankings in the search engines. Why do you want search rankings in the first place?

To get RELEVANT traffic to your site. Focus your link building on relevant sites.

Imagine if Google seen 100 links back to your site about how to train a dog and the 100 links come from sites like..
How to build a Chook house, How to wash your socks, how to grow fungus... etc..
( By the way, us Aussies call Chickens "Chooks" lol.)
So, Google will see that all your links are totally irrelevant and I am sure their algorithm is smart enough to see this.

My 2 cents.

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-- Robert Brault

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