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Article Spinning Software

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Article Spinning Software

Hi everyone,
After watching Mark last note for 3 hours (poor guy) create a website and spin his article, I noticed that he mentioned his software that he uses that let's you know that the article spinning and delimiters are correct. Do we have access to that software as afflilo blue print members.?

The reason I ask is because I did my first article today and try to publish it through AM Automation and received that error screen that some of my delimiters are not balanced. I have looked it over and over and can't find where the errors are and I'm thinking this software would at least point out the errors to fix.

Please let me know or if any of you have a better way around this problem

Thx for the help

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I believe Mark gave members access to the software.
It is available at www.stafftraining4u.com/spin

You need to sign up first.

Trust that is what you are looking for.

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Awesome .. thx so much Trevor
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having your delimiters balanced simply means you must have an opening" { "and a closing" } "as well as an opening "[ " and a closing "]".Look for all of these as they can become quite confusing if you are spinning an entire article by hand
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I've seen where Mark has 2 videos explaining AMAutomtion software. I am wondering where the information is on the spinner here that you are talking about.

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Mark mentioned it in the teleseminar.It is his own software which expands a little on the AMA software in that you must put a synonym delimiter in every sentence and you can spin the hyperlink.Understand the AMA software and the process first I should think.,
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I wrote an article last week and spun it.
It told me that the delimiters were out of balance.
I scanned that article for 2 hours, almost going crosseyed.
Would you believe The only error was I forgot 1 } in the whole article.
Took me 2 hours to found that little sucker.
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I noted in Mark's Live Website Video, he had a problem getting the hyperlinks to work in the Article Spinning Software. He said that he would take a look and get it fixed.

I just created a spin and got the same results. <<link here>> does not work and leaves a blank on the page where the <a href> belongs.

Any word or update on the progress of fixing it?

Also, I have two links for the Article Spinning Software...which is the right one to use?
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Hi JR,
Just use the hyperlink tab/box at the top of the edit screen to create a hyperlink.
oo looks like 2 circles.

also, what 2 links for AMA do you mean?

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Thanks, Wollowra

Sorry, must have been unclear. The question was not about AMA but regarding Mark's Article Spinning Software. In his video, he too had a problem with the software properly embedding the links...maybe someone fixed it as it seems to be working this morning using the '<<link here>>' instruction.

Here are the two links to which I referred FYI:



Anyone know if one is preferable to the other?

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They are both the same.
I just had a look and can not see any difference.
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thank you everyone
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wollowra -
If you look for the missing or duplicate delimiter in the error response area of AMA, it is easier. It is color coded. If there are any areas that are not in color but are white, look there first. There is at least one error there. Identify it, go back to Edit mode, fix it and click on the draft button again to see if you still have an error. If so, again, start in the white area. That might be the only steps you need to fix.
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Hey Tom,
Yeah, I figured this out after I spent the 2 hours...lol

wow.. thats a long URL..lol But whatever works for you dude.
Here is a little serendipity for ya...
Do you think you can beat this URL...lol
I couldn't believe it when I seen it...lol
Some people have too much time on their hands...lol

Just hover your mouse over the link and look down the bottom of your screen to see how long this sucker is...

http://www.thelongestlistofthelongestst ... yways.html
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-- Robert Brault
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Hi, Wollowra please can you tell me where I can find the webinar that Mark did on rewriting an article and spinning on unicadev etc. referred to above? I'd like to watch it again if possible.
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Hi Frank,
Looks like revimp beat me too it...lol

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-- Robert Brault
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Hi Revimp, thanks for the links to the videos AMA1 & AMA2. How can I get an opinion from Mark Ling on the new MassArticleControl software quickly? Having watched the AMA videos again, the system of rewriting articles that Mark has developed and the AMA distribution is obviously very effective but boy is it time consuming!
The Mass Article Control software looks like it may be a way to cut down on the amount of work involved. The thing is though, I don't know enough about it to pass judgement as to whether it would be both a time & money saver and get the same (or dare I say it) better results. It really does need an expert's appraisal. So who better than Mark who already knows the strengths and weaknesses of his system to do the comparison? The thing is there is a time and number of units for sale limit and they insist that it isn't hype because it wouldn't be ethical to release too many copies. Hence the need for some urgency.
Is posting here the best/quickest way to get Mark's attention? I'd be very surprised if he hasn't heard about it in his email by now anyway.
Frank Levy
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Hi Frank,
If you need Mark to review something then contact support addressed to Mark.
He is busy though, so don't expect an answer right away.
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I just bought it to check it out for you.

In my opinion, this software is terrible.

I pasted in a few sample articles and the so called spun articles are horrible.

Here is an example of an original paragraph:

In spite of the competitive disadvantage that solar energy technologies have right now, the availability of "free" sunlight will remain a driving force behind the development of new ideas that can make solar power more affordable in the future.

After 'spinning' the above paragraph using the software, it gives me this paragraph:

Inside malevolence of the competitive disadvantage with the intention of solar energy technologies be inflicted with aptly currently, the availability of "free" sunlight will wait a driving force behind the development of extra ideas with the intention of can get on to solar power more reasonably priced in the prospect.

My recommendation is to stay away from this software.

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Wow thanks Mark! I hope you don't think I'm spamming you but I've just sent the same message to you direct about 5 minutes ago. I wasn't sure if you'd see it in the blog.
One thing though - in the sales video Adeel did say there are two ways of creating articles. One designed for "getting them out there" fast for linking purposes and another way which needs to be set up for articles that are to be "read by humans!" Was your test the one designed for human consumption? Just making sure! Lol.
Anyway, thanks so much for checking it out and saving us the cost of finding out the hard way!
Regards, Frank Levy
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Hi All,

I bought Mass Article Control as well and found it to be as bad as Mark says. It was horrible.

I am going to try the "human factor" way and then see how well it does.

It seems that if a new product comes out it should be something better that what is already out there. I haven't seen that yet!

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