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Quick Question About Adwords

Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07

Quick Question About Adwords

here is a real quick example of my my question

when i only advertise on the search network i have a CTR of about 6-7% witch for me is good, i have been adverising on the content network off and on (testing) what i have found is i get a lot more impressions but my CTR goes down to 0.06%

I looked at my campaign today in the morning i had 276 impressions with 0 clicks (search network) I tuned on the content network and 5 hours later i had over 11,000 impressions with 7 clicks.

Does this mean i have relevent ads because of the impressions on the content network but not targeted enough because of the low ctr?

Like i said in general i have lower impressions With higher CTR on the (Search only network) and the complete opposite with the content network. (higher impressions with lower CTR)

Because im not a ppc expert can someone that understands it a little better tell me what the above means in basic terms? becouse right now im confused.
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Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
My understanding of the Search network is when someone types in a query in google and your ad comes up on the right side.

i believe the content network shows your ads on websites that are related to your niche. is this correct?
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Posts: 59
Joined: 24 Nov 09
Hi nates45r.
Mmmm, this is a difficult one. A CTR of 6 to 7% is excellent, but where do you get this stat from, if you say you had 276 impressions with 0 clicks?

Have you changed something in your ad or keywords or is this a new ad campaign maybe?

If your ad is getting impressions but you are not getting any clicks, it should only mean one thing. Your ad's content is not successful because you are getting exposure, but nobody is interested in what you are saying. Do you understand what I mean?

276 Impressions are not a lot either. Maybe give it a little more time, but I would definitely experiment with changing my ad content. It needs to be relevant and it needs to convince the browser that he will get there what he searched for in the first place. Somehow your ad content does not appear to have relevance to the keyword or keyword phrases you are using.

Hope it helps. If you want to, I'd be interested to see whether I can help you with more specific detail but then I need more info from you, so you need to contact me directly

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Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
That is what i thought also about the impressions, all i can do is change and test new ads
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