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Popup tool problem
techteacherdebashree Posts: 4 Joined: 28 May 21 Trust:
I have created 3 different pop up for 3 sites by,When I click on view site ,3 different pop up showing on same site?What can i do?
jcdean Posts: 373 Joined: 24 Nov 09 Trust:
20 Feb 22 2:43 pm
It is hard to imagine that a pop up would appear on a site you did not install it on. Are these 3 different sites with different domains? or different pages of the same site?
Are you using word press?
JC Dean
soleseriouss Posts: 333 Joined: 16 Nov 21 Trust:
28 Feb 22 5:59 am
Can you share the Screenshot? It will help us to understand the issue properly.
17 Mar 22 7:20 pm
Are you using a traditional pop-up or a hover ad? I would try using a different tool to create your popups since totally different ones are showing up on your site.
28 Mar 22 8:49 am
There's clearly something wrong with the setup that you put and you should re-check some elements to see if they function or not, or even repeat the whole process. You can maybe try to view the same page by using a different browser or by disabling some ad blockers if you have them maybe and aren't aware of their activity.
rmagwood24 Posts: 82 Joined: 03 Mar 22 Trust:
07 Apr 22 7:28 pm
Or consider a service that uses hover ads. Aweber can do this for you.
Entry pop-ups. They can be overlaying, pinned to the top or bottom website bar, or placed without content overlapping. Click pop-ups. They are activated when a user clicks a certain link, image, or word. Sidebar scroll pop-ups, opt-in bars. Timed pop-ups. Exit pop-ups.
This topic was started on Feb 17, 2022 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.