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Interesting PPC experience from a newbie

Posts: 124
Joined: 29 Nov 08

Interesting PPC experience from a newbie

I have tried PPC a couple of times now, without a huge amount of success. I think I am impatient.. Actually, I KNOW I am impatient.

I created a website through the whole blueprint program and am still working on it. I decided to start using PPC for one of the products and bid on about 30 keywords.

Anyway, after listening to some of Mark's audios and such, I pulled back my ppc campaign and just bid on the product name and variations of it. I have bid on 4 keywords and I have had about 10 people join my mailing list! I have a CTR of 1.24% I am so thrilled - keep looking at my CB account and none of them have converted to sales yet, but I am definitely getting more traffic. So, I am split testing ads and definitely can see a difference between how the 2 ads perform. I will give it a few more days and drop my ppc bid slightly and maybe add another keyword. I sure would like to think I should have a sale by now.

I created a landing page provided by the vendor, so I should hope their sales page is good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a couple of sales.

Any advice would be appreciated! I am at the point where I really need some sales for my emotional health!

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Fancy up your iPad with accessories from

Go green

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Joined: 24 Apr 09
If you have a good performing keyword or words put them in their own adgroup and keep testing others against them and remove the poorest performing, another thing PPC marketers do is split test landing pages

You should also add more content to your site to help quality score etc and give your site authority
Many of the sites here appear to be clones of each other, make the site your own
Weight loss is extremely hard to rank for, so be specific in that niche and have relevant content targeted to the product promoted or explain why it is beneficial.

Cant read all your header, but I feel you have a good idea in that you are trying to solve the problem of weight loss in targeting a way to lose it with a program that suits your visitors needs concerning their body shape etc
So target that for example, its popular at the moment

It is not a matter of selecting a keyword and adding an affiliate link and expecting PPC to work

If you have not seen this on the blog please do ... ords-guide
I have been trying to explain this to others but few listen, guess I cant say it right, I come across as blunt in my comments sometimes but I only want to help people think and do well

Come think of it I would have a go at that niche within a niche, but I am busy with other things, I did this one a month ago and it is starting to rank well so in 12 months it will be earning well, use it a reference if you wish

Buy the way if you have spare time start working on your next sites

All the best
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Posts: 124
Joined: 29 Nov 08
Spare time? What's that? I have tons of stuff that I want to do, but not enough time. This site isn't earning yet, so I'll keep working it awhile longer. I will look at your site and the blog you referenced. I'll take any advice I can get..

I'm not sure what you meant about you can't read my header... I'm hoping all it means is that you didn't have time to read through it.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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Fancy up your iPad with accessories from

Go green

Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
stacierunner wrote:Spare time? What's that?

LOL I, too, do not understand what spare time is.
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