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Blocked by Google Adwords - Where to from now?

Posts: 3
Joined: 26 Jul 06

Blocked by Google Adwords - Where to from now?

Hello All,

I began this marketing career of mine through Adwords first. I starrted with a few products from Clickbank and tried some ads and earned 0. I think did some research on Adsense and I paid someone and created about 10 sites that were blogs or informational sites with Adsense ads relating to the content. The sites had been up for about 6 weeks, not much happening and then WHAM Google disables it for fraudulant clicks. I NEVER clicked on my own ads and I told no one of the sites to click for me. ANy suggestions of where I should go from here. I am in the process of shutting down my site until I can get a grasp on what my next step is. I really have done alot of research including Affilorama and I am very interested in being a super affiliate but I need some help on where to turn now.

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Once your out of adsense. Your out.
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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
Is that really the case Adrian? Sounds a bit dodgy to me. Fair enough if he was clicking his ads, but if he wasn't I'd like to think he'd have a case to make.

Has this happened to anyone else?
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Posts: 3
Joined: 26 Jul 06
I was not asking whether I could get back into Google. I think you misunderstood Adrian. I was asking where to go from here with Marketing and being an affiliate as a whole. I am well aware from Google that once you are out you are out. I neve clicked on any of my ads. I was not even town for 10 days before I got the email from them. I was asking for any suggestions of where to concentrate on now.

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