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Are these conversion numbers ok?

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Joined: 27 Jul 10

Are these conversion numbers ok?

I have a content network campaign running. the ad takes the visitor to a squeeze page which is based on the squeeze page content Mark supplied for the niche.

245,075 Impressions - 4,209 clicks - 41 signed up subscribers who took the free report and joined my list.

I am using image ads that are promoting the free report, so I am a little concerned that only 41 people actually went ahead and entered their name and email address after clicking on the ad and arriving at the Squeeze page.

Any comments / advice would be much appreciated.

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Posts: 55
Joined: 07 Oct 10
Hi Tony. These numbers would affect differently to different people. Majority of the sites would be disappointed by the conversation ratio of less than 10% and some would be happy with the conversion ratio of even 0.1%, as conversion ratio is one of the crucial measurements of your interactive advertising campaign. Actually, the conversion ratio of your site would depend upon the purpose of your site. What I meant is it is quite easy to create leads rather than to sell a product. Therefore you can expect the better conversion ratio in the lead rather than in the selling.
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Posts: 26
Joined: 27 Jul 10
Hi _Tony,

first congrats on taking action.
I´ll agree with the above post, it all depends too many varaibles involve for us to know if your offer promo works.

what is your CPC?
what is your salesconversion?
These two numbers will pretty show you the nitty gritty where you are
the most important thing is i guess to turn those leads into sales by building relationship with them and commincating in a way that they like and trust you and your offer solves their problem, pain faster, better, easier, and sometimes cheaper than anyone else.

Wish u good luck

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Joined: 27 Jul 10
Hi Guys,

Sorry for not providing enough info

The site I am promoting is one of Marks' affilojet packs in the golf niche and so the ad campaign is to get people signed up for the year of autoresponder messages Mark provided. The ad I am running on the content network offers a free report based on the niche, the squeeze page again offers the same free report as in the ad.

The numbers posted a couple of days ago are actually not correct as I noticed out of the 41 email sign ups only 18 had confirmed the subscriptions and 3 have since unsubscribed.

The clicks are pretty cheap but I feel something is wrong. I have paused the campaign.

Any idea?

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Posts: 119
Joined: 29 Sep 09
Well by the looks of you've got a LOT of non-converting keywords am I right? I hope you've managed to track conversions for each keyword because you'll need it to determine which keywords are moneywasters.

And how much is 'cheap' per CPC? Even if it were 0,10 cents per click looks like you've spend 400 Dollar. I'm not sure but I think Mark estimated the worth of one subscriber 4-6$, in the best case 41 x 6 = 246$ which means you lost 154$. And that's just a superbly best case scenario!
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Hi Rudlof,

This is a image ad campaign on the content network and you are not able to track keywords unless you set up separate ad groups for each one. I am getting $0.02 clicks but I am completely surprised that so many people have clicked on the ad to get a free report and then not entered their name and email to actually get the report on the squeeze page.

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In that case, if your CPC's are 0,02 cents you'd be making profit. I guess image ads are not really converting well but with such an incredibly low CPC you're still in the green.
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Posts: 26
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Hi Tony,

Since you are in the early stages and at this point simply trying to get subscribers, I think it's too early to know if you are selling enough to make a profit. I would start out just focusing on your cost per subscriber. Mark states it should be $1.00 to $1.50 for most niches ($2-$3 for internet mkg). Once you have enough subscribers (people in your pipeline), so that your emails are going out then you can start to track sales. I agree with Rudolf and think you are going to have to figure out a way to track which keywords are getting subscribers. I am also driving paid traffic but I have not used the content network. I would recommend researching the tracking methods available for your traffic source in order to maximize sign-ups for the money you are spending. Hope this helps.
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Posts: 44
Joined: 11 Sep 09
The display network is working well for me. My average CPC is 0.17 and i get a fair amount of sign-ups. I'm at 539 confirmed subscribers since i started 3 months ago. It's growing daily too. I get around 10-15 new sign-ups a day now. I'm too impatient for SEO. I've outsourced that and I hope to see it start working in the next 3 months or so. Can't beat free traffic.
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Posts: 76
Joined: 24 Jul 10
on with the price of google ads, if you have been given the google slap are you screwed for ever and if not how long would it take to recover if you get your site up to scratch???
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currently smashing it with Affilo Jetpack

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