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12 Clicks a Day to Zero

Posts: 30
Joined: 14 Nov 09

12 Clicks a Day to Zero

Hi folks,

Still being new to the Adwords game, I'm not fully aware of how to interpret the numbers. The past few weeks I've had a campaign running with the same 2 ads, both of which are generating a similar CTR (~2.33%). Over the past week, I've gone from 12-15 clicks per day to ZERO.

I've been trying to think of why this is. Maybe there is a disconnect between my keywords and the ad copy? If this were the case, how did I get 2 conversions and a consistently decent CTR?

Those of you with more experience, is it normal for clicks to suddenly stop after being consistent for a few weeks? Should I invest time in writing new ads? I am still getting many impressions, so I know Google hasn't put the account "under review".

Confused, please help :)

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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Ken,
Have you checked to see if your campaigns are under review or on hold?

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-- Robert Brault
Posts: 30
Joined: 14 Nov 09
Hi Troy

Yes I have. I'm getting a lot of impressions, and the ads are showing. Today I had a 0.33% CTR when normally it's around 2.33%.

It's a simple review-type ad:

{KeyWord:Does Panic Away Work?}
Before Buying Panic Away, Read
This Important Consumer Review.

No clue what could be going on honestly lol. I am also showing the ads in mainly english-speaking countries.
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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Are your ads showing up in the exact same position as before the noticed drop in CTR?
If so, that could be it.
Could also be a natural decrease of interest in the market this week.
Or Google may be fooling around on their end with algorithms etc.
Hmm, not sure on this one.
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault

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