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ppv ads

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

ppv ads

I started running some ppv ads and am getting about 20 times more traffic then normal, I have been doing this for only about 4 days so far but with all the extra views I still haven't sold a thing. when checking google analytics account it is telling me that most people are on my site for about 1 second where if someone goes to my site from a search or from an article i have posted people are there for about a minute. So I am wondering what are these people going to my site there for, the ppv stuff is real cheap but if it isn't doing me any good as far as sales and someone looking at my site for a while then why should I use them. I do wonder if it is because it is a travel site and people are just starting to think about going on vacation but that still doesn't explain why people are on the site for only a couple seconds. any advice on doing this kind of ads. thanks Mark
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May be you aren't targeting the right way. Traffic might be coming to your website from a different category. So, make sure you are targeting the right category. Also try url targeting and see if that is converting more.
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Web Designing | Online Marketing
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Joined: 07 Oct 10
Hi Mark,

If you are getting a lot of traffic from the PPV ads you are posting, then the ads are doing their work....you need to check the effectiveness of your landing page....if your viewer just looks at your site for 1 second then leaves, then sorry to be blunt, but it only means they didn't find your site interesting or something turned them off....I suggest you post your URL here and have some of the other members give you a critique....you might find a lot of helpful tips here....
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
thanks for the advice I will do that. although when i see a pop up of any kind when I do a search I always click away from it whether it is relevant or not. but here is my site www.myitaliantravels.com I am using keywords of italian travel, italian vacation italy travel italy vacation travel europe european travel. my site title is the same as the url but it states for italian and european travel. most of the traffic is coming from the europe keywords. thanks Mark
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mark schaaf wrote:thanks for the advice I will do that. although when i see a pop up of any kind when I do a search I always click away from it whether it is relevant or not. but here is my site http://www.myitaliantravels.com I am using keywords of italian travel, italian vacation italy travel italy vacation travel europe european travel. my site title is the same as the url but it states for italian and european travel. most of the traffic is coming from the europe keywords. thanks Mark

I just visited your site and I think the main problem is... there's nothing for me to buy on that site!

Sure you have some banners at the right hand side of your pages.. but people now have this thing called "banner blindness" and they miss banners really easily... I would admit I didnt notice your banners the first time I visited your page, only after surfing around did I notice them.

You should try shifting those ads to the middle of your posts or at the end of your article..
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In addition to what kakaboo said, I actually went to your page and checked, you might want to actually make those pictures clickable....or, you might want to make the landing page your actual flights or hotels page. This way, when you actually pay for your ads, you have a bigger chance to actually get people to book through your site than just bringing them to your home page.
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as mentioned here before about your banners where are they? There is quite famous book about web usability that has a very clever name. "Don't Make Me Think". Thats how you should approach your Design your visitors should never have to think what action to take next....

About PPV I hope you are aware of that most pops are either 800 X 600 Pixel or 750 X 550 I think its only DirectCPV that is doing full page....

So you would need to fit you advertisement in that or build a special PPV landing page... So if you are popping your website your visitors is probably not seeing anything relevant at the first place so they donĀ“t have a clue what to do. You need to design PPV landing pages that has specific ppv size or have your banners to fit within your ppv networks specification...

http://www.lpdesigner.com has some great landing pages.....
here is some free examples (broken link)
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Last edited by sydney on 19 Mar 12 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Best thing ever since sliced bread! Seriously this spinner is 20 Years ahead of TheBestSpinner. Get a Massive 70% Launch Discount ->http://www.inwrk.info/realbestspinner
mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Very interesting about banner blindness I had never heard of it, and I thought I was making my banners very visible. so do you think it is better to put a link to my selling pages in the text, I was also thinking about putting in bold colored lettering click here to book flight or hotel or whatever in on the page I am promoting. how about an opinion on these two ideas. thanks Mark
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