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How to Use Twitter for Your Business

Posts: 29
Joined: 01 Aug 12

How to Use Twitter for Your Business

It is all about creating relationships, just like other social media. Many fall into the trap of promoting their business with every tweet. The key is to provide valuable content or solve a problem people are experiencing.

A good ratio is 4:1, 4 tweets that are solution based, and 1 tweet that is introducing your business in a very subtle way.

Using this method and you will see your followers increase, because they want to here and use your information you are providing.

Be focus and get to the point quickly, you only have 140 characters to deliver your message.
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Yes, Twitter is best social media networking site to promote our business online.
We can tell our business story to the twitter community.
Invite the friend, relatives, business partner.
we can also post the images about our business because images show all about our business.
So twitter is the best for business.
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Posts: 24
Joined: 08 Dec 13
That's a good suggestion. But do have any suggestion how to initially introduce ourselves in twitter world. I mean how to initially make people notice u.
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Well, first create an account. ;)
Once you have your account set up, you can promote it on your other social media sites or send an email to your customers that you are now available on Twitter so they can follow you.
Relevance is very important when you tweet. Make sure that your posts and hashtags mean something to your business.
And be personal in your posts. Don't be too formal or stiff. Relax. Twitter is your friend.
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