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What Is The Point of PLR Articles?

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What Is The Point of PLR Articles?

Am I missing something here?

"Good unique content - Join some of the PLR sites". Those sites (and there is plenty of them) have thousands of members each. Every member joined them to get some material to use on their website (not because they enjoy reading articles).

We all compete for a spot on first (or at least second) page of search engines' listings. If I change 15, 30 or even 60% of the content, I'll be still targeting more less the same keywords like the rest of the people who obtained the articles from the same place.

So what are the chances that Google and the rest of big guns will choose my site over the others to give me a credit for "the best edited content"?
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crowzy wrote:Am I missing something here?

"Good unique content - Join some of the PLR sites". Those sites (and there is plenty of them) have thousands of members each. Every member joined them to get some material to use on their website (not because they enjoy reading articles).

We all compete for a spot on first (or at least second) page of search engines' listings. If I change 15, 30 or even 60% of the content, I'll be still targeting more less the same keywords like the rest of the people who obtained the articles from the same place.

So what are the chances that Google and the rest of big guns will choose my site over the others to give me a credit for "the best edited content"?

Rewriting the content isn't the only thing that Google will look at. They look at your site in general, how well it is written, and the code of the rest of your page. Even if you had the same "rewritten" article as someone else, with a similar looking site, you still wouldn't get penalized. To be hit with duplicate it has to be an exact match pretty much. Plus many people don't rewrite them because they are lazy.
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They can also come in handy for building backlinks. Submit a few articles to a few directories and see what I mean ;)
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Try taking a step back here.

The fact that you're competing with other people for the same keywords is a given. If the keywords are profitable, you're going to strike competition - regardless of whether they've been featured in a PLR membership site or not. If you still choose to try to rank for those keywords, you might be interested in sourcing some content. That's where PLR articles come in handy.

People use PLR articles in all sorts of ways. Like Sean said, you could rewrite some and post them to article directories. You could roll them together into an eBook. You could use them for research and create your own articles from them. You can just use them for inspiration.

Yes you can rewrite them and post the articles on your site. No that's not going to be enough to nab a top spot in the search engines. You will have to do more... but it's a lot easier to get a top spot if you're using "original" content than if you're posting unedited articles from article sites, complete with bio box.

See what I mean? You don't HAVE to use them. A lot of people don't. They're just one tool in your arsenal.

All the best,
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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Thank you guys for your comments. Nice surprise to see the "Guru" responding. Thanks a lot Mark. I really appreciate that.

Probably the best thing I should do right now is to take a few days off and try to relax and reorganize my thoughts. I've been working very hard for the last 3 and a half months on my first site and my batteries are completely flat. That's why I can only see the negative aspects of everything that crosses my mind at the moment.

After reading through your posts I realise that PLR articles might be something that should be explored in much more details.

Thanks again.

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Site Admin
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Good idea to take a break if you're exhausted. I know I say this all the time, but if you're not motivated and excited about what you're doing, you're going to fall flat pretty quickly. Plus if you're finding that you're thrashing out the same ideas over and over again, taking a step back and forgetting about the whole deal for a few days will allow you to approach things from a different angle.

It's hard to be a visionary with your nose to the grindstone!

All the best,
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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HI there, Mr. Ling and everyone. I'm a brand spanking you member here, and I only heard about affiliate marketing two days ago. I remember seeing links on sites that said something to the affect of "Join Our Affiliate Program", but had no clue what they meant, and to be honest it bearly even registered. I was super cautious about joining this kind of site because I had seen sites that promised money online before, and shortly realized that they were scams, but this site didn't make promises of tremendous amounts of money with no effort. I did more research on the topic of affiliate marketing, and realized this was no scam. Mr. Ling, I chose affilorama because your first lesson in the mini-course was what really helped me to understand the concept of affiliate marketing. I chose Affilorama because I got the distinct impression that I would learn from this site with the least confusion. Finally, Mr. Ling, I chose Affilorama because you seemed very, very approachable, and your teaching style and general manner made me feel comfortable. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I really look forward to becoming an affiliate, and being able to earn my living this way. See everyone back here on the forums.
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Tony Hernandez [url=]Glad2BHome[/url:2qe2dup5]
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Welcome Tony, this is a good place to start your learning.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
Posts: 19
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Hi everyone,

I agree with sean06 (this is a great portal to seek for knowledge on the affiliate marketing).

Could you advice what is the best site that provide nice PLR articles?
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Posts: 19
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Hi sean06,

I went to your website and it is blocked. Somehow it popup a antivirus message saying that your site has virus.

Better confirm....
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Mastercands, check this site

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I think the site above is giving away products with resell rights, not plr. RRP and PLR are two different things.

You might find that the list of that site is impressive, but I think most of the freebies are outdated.
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@mastercands, you might be interested in this:111,107 plr articles for $1.
great deal!

check this out before its gone.
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For high quality plr content in over 400 niche categories for a low membership fee, I recommend the PLR eBook Club.
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