Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
22 Mar 07 2:01 pm
Glad to hear you've found your niche Sue!
Adrian and Sean have given you the beginning of your blueprint except I will add to Sean's comment:
sean06 wrote:... Keyword research is going to be very important though. Make sure you pick some keywords that you know you can win on.
To find out how competitive the keywords are take the keywords from your wordtraker (or any other keyword tool results) and put them between "" so you get an exact match - or else you'll get results that include any or all the words in your phrase - and do a search on Google for example:
If I look up the word weight loss in one of my favorite tools,
digital point, I'll find these kw phrase in the results:
weight loss tip searched for 1,117 x a day
fast weight loss searched for 1,051 x a day
At first glance they both look like good words to target but what you have to do next is see how many other web pages are out there targeting those words. To do that just enclose your kws within "" and do a Google:
"weight loss tip" has 177,000 other pages to compete with and
"fast weight loss" has (wow) 841,000 pages to compete with!
Which kw do you think you have a better chance to get ranked with? weight loss tip has nearly the same number of searches and yet there are way less competitors so that would be the word you would create an article on.
Once you run out of ideas of words to run through Wordtracker and Digital point look for related words at the Adwords center:
Hope that helps get you started in creating your content.