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What do I start writing about? Help please!

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Joined: 14 Mar 07

What do I start writing about? Help please!

I have decided on my website and decided to leave hubby's alone for now. I have decided to do weight loss/self improvement since that is where I am an expert in knowledge. I am just not sure where to start or what to write about. I can make the website a journey with me for weight loss and self improvement and ask others to join me. I know what I want but not sure how to even start. I think I am thinking to hard. I am a perfectionist by heart and I think it is getting in my way. Can someone direct me. If I havens said thanks for the help on hubby's website then thank you.

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Hi Sue,

Well you have certainly chosen a profitable market :D

I would suggest your first thing to do is to gather up a bunch of keywords that you are going to write your articles on. Use a tool like to search for words related to weight loss. These will be the title/headings of each of your pages.

I would suggest keywords that are 3 - 4 words long.... if this is your first site, I would not attempt to try and rank for the word "weight loss"... it will be too much of a headache for you... instead target words like "weight loss plans and products" etc... you get the idea.

Create a flowchart for yourself and map out a "tree diagram" of how your site will look. Certain topics in certain folders etc....

After this... start writing your articles based around the keywords you chose.

This is enough for now... it will take you a while to do it :)
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Posts: 1004
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Yep, listen to Adrian.

I like the idea of getting like minded people to join you. It's a great chance for you to recommend some products etc.

Keyword research is going to be very important though. Make sure you pick some keywords that you know you can win on.
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Glad to hear you've found your niche Sue!

Adrian and Sean have given you the beginning of your blueprint except I will add to Sean's comment:
sean06 wrote:... Keyword research is going to be very important though. Make sure you pick some keywords that you know you can win on.

To find out how competitive the keywords are take the keywords from your wordtraker (or any other keyword tool results) and put them between "" so you get an exact match - or else you'll get results that include any or all the words in your phrase - and do a search on Google for example:

If I look up the word weight loss in one of my favorite tools, digital point, I'll find these kw phrase in the results:

weight loss tip searched for 1,117 x a day
fast weight loss searched for 1,051 x a day

At first glance they both look like good words to target but what you have to do next is see how many other web pages are out there targeting those words. To do that just enclose your kws within "" and do a Google:

"weight loss tip" has 177,000 other pages to compete with and
"fast weight loss" has (wow) 841,000 pages to compete with!

Which kw do you think you have a better chance to get ranked with? weight loss tip has nearly the same number of searches and yet there are way less competitors so that would be the word you would create an article on.

Once you run out of ideas of words to run through Wordtracker and Digital point look for related words at the Adwords center:

Hope that helps get you started in creating your content.

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Promocode, you're spot on there.

One thing I would add is also check the number of links that some of the top 10 sites have. If you are going up against a bunch of PR7s, then it's not the best keyword.

Often you'll find there is a huge difference between #1 and #10, which is good for you, because it can mean that it isn't too hard to get on the first page.
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You guys are the greatest. Thanks for your advice.

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Posts: 173
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Correct me if I'm wrong here as I dont want to confuse Sue.

But wouldn't it be better to use allintitle:keyword to search for competiton?

Using just quotes will find the keyword just as it is in the quotes anywhere on a page.
Many of those are not going to be your competition as someone who is optimizing for that keyword will have that keyword in the title.

For example, if you type: allintitle:weight loss tip you will get 430 competition results.
These are pages with the keyword actually in the title.

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That's another handy trick Randy.

There's more than one way to check for competition and all will reveal different things. It's up to you to take what you can from each and think about how that will affect your efforts.
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