Sending out newsletters - Is this spamming?
Hi All,xman1970 wrote:Hi All,
Just a quick question to the rafts of people here with greater knowledge than me :wink: My website is getting closer to testing and I was thinking of asking people who leave without joining to answer a couple of questions why :cry: You know the kind of thing get into a draw to win an ipod. Obviously they will have to give me email address so I can contact them if they win. Now as they have given me their email address does that mean it's ok to send them a newsletter :?:
Or is this spam :?:
Just trying to do things right, legally and morally.....
Mant thanks to anybody who takes the time to reply......
Take it easy....
xman1970 wrote:Hi Adrian,
You mean when the sign up for the survey as to why they didn't sign up to the website :?
Thanks for reply...
Take it easy....
xman1970 wrote:Hi Sean,
What do you mean by "pulling a swifty" Something dodgy ?? If that's the case no 110% legit :D