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PLR articles

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PLR articles


I want to aquire page label right articles for content on my website as it is cheaper than paying for articles to be written and heard that they should be modified 25-30% for google to class the article as original.
Is this still the aquired percentage especially after googles panda update?
There are also sites with FREE PLR articles available are these worth using or should they be left alone because of the amount of times they have probably been used and re-written?
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Posts: 170
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Whether you are using PLR content or writing original content the result should be the same - is the result a quality article?

Usually I just use PLR as a source of really cheap information so that the resulting article looks nothing like the original. On the occasions that I have used it for mass submission I have modified it by at least 50% - usually far more.

Although the quality of free PLR is usually not particularly great, it is still useful - even just as a guideline for an article, an email, a video or podcast.
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Kick-Butt Writing Services

Outstanding Quality PLR Packs

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The only PLR that I bought that I wasn't disappointed in was Affiliate Jet Pack.

Until you are at the point were you can out source, you just need to sit down and start writing or rewriting articles yourself.

After a few times you get into a grove.

Rapid Rewriter takes some of the suck out of rewriting articles. You can end up with several copies that you can use for link building too.

You should add pictures, graphs, and or videos to your post to to give you an edge over every one else.
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JC Dean
Posts: 15
Joined: 14 Dec 10
jcdean wrote:The only PLR that I bought that I wasn't disappointed in was Affiliate Jet Pack.

Until you are at the point were you can out source, you just need to sit down and start writing or rewriting articles yourself.

After a few times you get into a grove.

Rapid Rewriter takes some of the suck out of rewriting articles. You can end up with several copies that you can use for link building too.

You should add pictures, graphs, and or videos to your post to to give you an edge over every one else.

This is some good advice. I'll take note of it once I purchase AB and learn the ropes :)
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I think the bottom line is the quality of the resulting article. Some days you get stuck and find it difficult to find inspiration to write, that's where a PLR article will come in handy. You can re-write it or spin and you have a more or less, a new article to publish.
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I have used a lot of different PLR articles myself. they can be tricky. Also keep in mind, although PLR is a shortcut, you have to be careful. I have seen a lot of misinformation being published because people didn't bother to verify anything in the PLR they are using.

Never asume that the people coming to your site are stupid. OFten, they will know the niche better than you do, and you can hurt your reputation if you try to avoid researching the information that you are sharing on your site.

That being said, once you know the information, PLR can be a great way to shortcut the brainstorming and writing of articles for your sites and for link building.
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