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Need help for Martial Arts blog topics

jing monet
Posts: 5
Joined: 06 Jul 06

Need help for Martial Arts blog topics

I need 10 topics for my blogs in regards to Martial Arts. I am running out of ideas of what I need after 40 articles and 10 newsletters.

40 articles include
-20 key styles
-others like definition, benefits, Martial Arts with Children/Women/ modern society, how to choose weapon, equipment, history, by region, famous people, competition etc..

10 newsletters
1 - Why Martial Arts
2&3- What style to choose
5-8 Self Defense
9-How to choose a school/teacher
10-Confused? Where to start? Or a 90 days challenge?

As you can see the above covers a few things already. But I do need to come up some ideas for my blogs.

Any suggestions??? (my writer is chasing me...) :?
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I don't know too much about martial arts. I wanted to be a ninja when I was about ten, but that didn't last too long :)

Anyway, maybe you could write about some of the latest things happening in martial arts, things you've been doing/learnt yourself. Put in your thoughts or opinions on certain aspects of martial arts.

I know they're all pretty vague, but hopefully it'll spark something in you.
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You could write about the turtles and how each one of them has achieved a different level of belt color :lol: Honestly I am not sure what topics would be good. I would have to research myself Jing.

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Site Admin
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you could do some articles that actually show some moves - can you draw and scan?

otherwise, you could do some articles on the history of each type of martial art, and what the differences are.

you could write articles about various famous martial arts people eg bruce lee.

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jing monet
Posts: 5
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thank you guys. I did not expect to get some ideas so quickly. I can now advise my writer to start the newsletters and blogs this weekend.

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I know a bit about martial art and self defense.

Maybe you can find some ideas on my blog:

feel free to browse the archives to find ideas.

I entered in the niche, but I didn't find affiliate programs I would like to sell to people...

I am in some forums too, and I get traffic from there; for now, I am on some other prjects.

I will come back to the niche soon.
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Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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You must write about martial arts instructional DVDs--do reviews, recommend ones people should get, write about the pros and cons of using instructional DVDs.

You could do interviews with martial artists instructors or people who write about martial arts (do the interviews via e-mail).

You could write about martial arts for women.

You could write about which martial art is the best to pursue if one is just wanting to learn some basic self-defense but is not dedicated to making a martial art a regular part of their life.

You could write about how middle aged and elderly people can benefit from pursuing a martial art.

You could review some martial arts Web sites.

You could do a series of articles on the importance of stretching.

Also, you could write about how other forms of exercise like yoga, pilates, plyometrics and strength training can benefit martial arts training.
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jing monet
Posts: 5
Joined: 06 Jul 06
thanks! Really appreciate your contribution on this. :D
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Posts: 63
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One area of martial arts no-one covers is the psychology side.

I do Ninjitsu and we started a course in self defence by helping students understand the bully - victim response. (When you stop reacting like the agressor expects, often they retreat).

Another topic is don't be where the agressor expects. I have developed the stance to always be at 45 degrees of the attacker. Few people can cope with this psychologically - they expect full frontal, side or behind and have their moves psychologically planned for this. At 45 degrees they have to decide between frontal or side and are unsure. That momentary delay is all I need.

Other topics
Unknown weapons - a bankard, pen, shoelace, dust, perfume, underarm rollon bottle.
Use of pressure points, carpal tunnels and nerve bridges to disable without injury

Hope this helps.
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