Can I create my own book from forum posts?
I had this idea that I could create my own product (book) on a topic without having to actually write any of it myself. I thought I could go to online forums on my topic and gather the material for my book from posts on the forums. Are there any rules or laws against doing this? Would you have to get permission first from the authors of these posts? I can't imagine anybody having a problem with it. If they ever read my book they would probably be happy to see that one of their posts ended up in it. I just wanted to make sure first that it was okay to do this so it doesn't backfire on me.(I might have asked about this before, but I can't remember and since they've changed this site I can't figure out how to do a search for all of my previous posts.)
This topic was started on Aug 10, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.