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Automatic Article Rewriting Software

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Automatic Article Rewriting Software

I understand there may be issues (such as scraping, parsing & copyright) with using automatic article rewriting software. Does anyone have any advice about this?

I'm wondering if PRLPro articles would be immune? since although we pay for the unique/fresh articles we get, they are not "unique" to each subscriber.

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If you use decent software on PLR articles, then there should be no problem.

Just check that the software pumps out articles that make sense and don't look like gibberish.
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guess you'd caution against it otherwise then...?
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I have commissioned a (v.good) Elancer to rewrite, to at least 50%, someone else's articles for me; any idea what might the chance might be of these professionals using such software?
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Hi everyone,

Recently I stumbled upon a brilliant service that submits unique versions of my articles to over 650 directories, and I already have hundreds of links pointing to my website. You can see more information by reading the ad I posted, or clicking the link in my sig file.

I highly recommend this service, and I would by no means recommend it to anybody else if I hadn't used it myself with great results.

I hope this helps,


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I would just be careful using the articles that some software programs come up with.

And Kristin, can you show us your results that you have been getting with that article service?
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Hey Kristin,

I'm interested to see your results too :)
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Hi guys and girls,

Sorry about my late reply :oops:

Just to show you some of the results of my article submission, here below are the results I receive from them every Friday. I really need to submit more articles than I have already, as the results are wonderful, but Affilorama with all its great content has kept me very busy lately, lol

As you can see with Project 2, Article 4, the results after only one week are amazing. Just this minute as I'm writing this, Google showed 149 results, and Yahoo 242!

All this results from writing my article, going through their wizard, and submitting a unique article to all the relevant article directories. I also notice that the results for Article 4 are significantly better than for the older ones, and that is because I punched in more relevant category keywords for that one than the other ones. But this is something that only comes with experience.

But believe me, this WORKS! These articles have generated great traffic to what I'm promoting, and made me some money too!

August 17, 2007

Project 1 2007-08-03 Article 1 week: 2 stats: = 199
Project 1 2007-08-06 Article 2 week: 1 stats: = 46
Project 1 2007-08-09 Article 3 week: 1 stats: = 45

August 24, 2007

Project 1 2007-08-03 Article 1 week: 3 stats: = 250
Project 1 2007-08-06 Article 2 week: 2 stats: = 97
Project 1 2007-08-09 Article 3 week: 2 stats: = 138
Project 2 2007-08-23 Article 4 week: 0 stats: = 0

August 31, 2007-08-31

Project 1 2007-08-03 Article 1 week: 3 stats: = 363
Project 1 2007-08-06 Article 2 week: 2 stats: = 123
Project 1 2007-08-09 Article 3 week: 2 stats: = 167
Project 2 2007-08-23 Article 4 week: 0 stats: = 119

I really hope this information helps, and again, I would definitely not recommend this unique article submission service if I hadn't used it myself with such great results.

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Thanks v.much for this Kristin. Do you have any tips for the Notepad2.exe software prog, as I'm having difficulty understaning (all) the download options & detail for it.

I found an FAQ style page with a couple of example instructions on it, but when I followed their procedure I was met with a message warning me that my PC could be rendered inop...

Could you possibly help with a set of instructions for an "XP" system?

Many thanks
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icj1 wrote:Thanks v.much for this Kristin. Do you have any tips for the Notepad2.exe software prog, as I'm having difficulty understaning (all) the download options & detail for it.

I found an FAQ style page with a couple of example instructions on it, but when I followed their procedure I was met with a message warning me that my PC could be rendered inop...

Could you possibly help with a set of instructions for an "XP" system?

Many thanks

Hi Ian,

I just went to the Notepad2 homepage and hit the green download button there, and had no problems downloading it, and I have Windows XP too. As far as I can see, it works fine, but I've only used it as a simple editor, I haven't used any of the other features there.

Did you perhaps try some of the other download links on their page and have problems with them?

Please keep me informed,


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Thanks for you reply Kristin and yes, in the end I googled their site and downloaded straight from their green button : )

Just perusing UAW again now & watching vids - must agree it does look quite good...

I have a couple of sites (and several domains) on the go now which need a serious boost, so in accordance with UAW criteria I need to get some proper structure into the articles/bio I already have. A spot of Elance re-writing I think!

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icj1 wrote:Thanks for you reply Kristin and yes, in the end I googled their site and downloaded straight from their green button : )

Just perusing UAW again now & watching vids - must agree it does look quite good...

I have a couple of sites (and several domains) on the go now which need a serious boost, so in accordance with UAW criteria I need to get some proper structure into the articles/bio I already have. A spot of Elance re-writing I think!


Hi Ian,

I'm happy you got this sorted out :lol: Yes, UAW is great, I just looked up my Article no. 4 on Google, it now showed up 237 times, and 299 times on Yahoo.

Just make sure you use every possible category keyword you can think of. That vastly increases the chances that your articles are submitted to the relevant article directories.

What I did, was to visit a few directories, and copied every category keyword that was relevant to my article. The more you find, the better results you get.

Hope this helps,

Good luck :D

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Let us know how this affects your rankings Kristin :)
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sean06 wrote:Let us know how this affects your rankings Kristin :)

Hi Sean,

No problem, I'll keep you informed :lol:

Have you gone to the UAW site and watched the 8 minute "How did I get a brand new site listed in both Google and Yahoo in under 10 days?" video?

I guarantee, that will be 8 minutes well spent, :)

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Nope :)
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I may be being dumb here, but researching/using/utilising KWs is not my strong point & wondered if you would expand a little...?

Is it from the articles within the directories that you research and get your KWs? How do you recognise/know which words are your category KWs - I'm guessing you're looking for all the words that are relevent to your subject? For instance, for IM, KWs would be; affiliates, articles, PPC, adsense, SEO, ebooks etc.
You don't use Wordtracker? - maybe not since it costs $300...!

Many thanks

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icj1 wrote:Kristin,
I may be being dumb here, but researching/using/utilising KWs is not my strong point & wondered if you would expand a little...?

Is it from the articles within the directories that you research and get your KWs? How do you recognise/know which words are your category KWs - I'm guessing you're looking for all the words that are relevent to your subject? For instance, for IM, KWs would be; affiliates, articles, PPC, adsense, SEO, ebooks etc.
You don't use Wordtracker? - maybe not since it costs $300...!

Many thanks


Hi Ian,

What I would do is go to Help - FAQ and read the part about keywords, and you should also download a list from there containing keywords from all the directories they submit to. It is a very long one, you just pick out the relevant keywords for your article, and make sure you enter your keywords both in singular, and plural when appropriate, like affiliate, affiliates, article, articles etc.

Trust me, you will become an expert in submitting all your unique articles to as many directories as possible, within no time :lol:

Hope this helps,

Best regards from Iceland,:D

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Thanks v.much Kristin, that's great!

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Whoah Iceland... how is the weather there?
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adrian wrote:Whoah Iceland... how is the weather there?

I'm gonna have a stab in the dark and say it's cold :P
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Hey Adrian and Sean,

Of course it is terribly cold here, you may not know, that we're a bunch of 300,000 eskimos here and we live in igloos!!! :lol:


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I think it was in one of the mighty duck movies when a girl said Greenland is all ice and Iceland is all green. That's the extend of my knowledge of Iceland :)

I love stereotypes. I'd write more but my pet kangaroo is hungry, be back later :P
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Back to the articles, is there a recommended way to go about the website design for our articles? i.e. a particular template/format that should be used? or is our imagination a sufficient tool?

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Your imagination should be sufficient for this, aside from a few basics. Obviously keep it to one article per page, and make sure you've watched the interview with Charles Heflin (and notes) for how to silo your site to make it appear more relevant to the search engines.

Other than that... think about how your visitors will be arriving at your site, and whether they'll be able to find your information if they arrive on an article page as opposed to your main homepage. Think about how they will move around your site (in addition to how the search engine spiders will!), try to find ways to keep referring people back to your affiliate products (ie. blurbs at the bottoms of articles). Pay attention to how other sites are doing it, and try it for yourself!

Good luck!
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Well... I don't think submitting to crap directories will help, just google about link building and you will find experts strongly recommending to avoid directory submissions. Rather you should link back from relevant sites. Found an article explaining the process here:

Almost same thing is suggested by google.

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for content creation I am using a great article writing software. For $7 per month (trial offer) is a bargain, you could always check it out if you are interested:

Good luck with your content creation
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Mark uses for article submission. I read another post about Unique Article Wizard. How do the two services compare?
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Hi Kuntos,

There are basically two types of article writing software I have come across:

Those that enable you to write articles like the first one I suggested and those that enable you to spin them.

Once you have a solution to write the first draft of your article (for example by using the software I referred to earlier) then there are two problems to resolve: 1) how to spin your article 2) how to submit your articles without creating duplicate content and spending too long doing so.

Once you have a first version of an article ready, then AMAutomation is in my view the superior solution as it enables to do (1) and (2) very fast
(You can check it out below ... utomation/)

Below are some results:
Between 27/05/2009 and 29/05/2009 I created 3 articles of c500 words each embedding 3 links to my website

I rewrote about 80% of them 3 times (it may sound scary but it is very easy to do with AMA)

Then I submitted the spun version to about 15 niche topics related to the articles

Below is a cut an paste on my current stat from AMA (I have received about 35 backlinks out of this since then and the backlinks keep coming in, they ranging from PR0 to PR3)

"Site Statistics
Overall, you have 0 sites registered on the system.

Article Statistics
You have 44 articles registered on the system. Those articles have been presented 1,219 times for consideration by site owners.

The articles have been approved 850 times and rejected 80 times, which means your articles have a rejection rate of 9%. A total of 289 copies are still waiting for a decision by site owners.

In total, the system has successfully published 854 copies of your articles. This number may differ from the number of approvals received for your article. When owners remove sites from the AMA network, the article approval count is affected, but this published count is not affected."

You can check it out below ... utomation/

Good Luck
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Thanks for your response gillesjh73. I will check out AMAutomatic, it sounds like it worked for you. I'm wondering, with the traffic you received were you able to monetize your articles?
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Some clarification required on your method Gillesjh...

You said...
"Then I submitted the spun version to about 15 niche topics related to the articles"

Do you mean that you spin an existing article within AMA then use that to create a new AMA article but selecting a different category for that article?
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For me the purpose of the submitting articles through AMA (as I use it it per the affilobluprint method) is to rank for keywords in order to generate targetted traffic by increasing page-rank for my website, not generating links directly to the vendor. So there is no direct monetisation involved.

What I can tell you is that in 10 days I took my site from 0 to c 100 visitor per day (for the last couple of days) and one sale.
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Yes! I do mean this, (I checked in the FAQ and this is OK because of the low risk of duplicate content arising from the using the method)!
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For me building back links is pretty straightforward. I don't see the point in using article writing software when a human can do it for very little cost. I have outlined the steps below which work for me and many others. I am assuming you have a site to keep this brief.
1 Get keywords. Paid use
or or
2 If like me you like it for free then use
3 Take keywords and get article written at It costs $6 an article plus they do blog posts as well.
4 Take article. submit to
5 Go to
and select what service you want. For a brand new website then I recommend the $200 service.
6 Rinse and repeat.
7 Rinse and repeat
Enjoy all your back links!!
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Hi Everyone,

This is my first post so hope this is OK but it should be relevant. With backlinking being all the rage I just want to ask about Mass Article Control which is an article creating and directory submitting package being pushed by affiliates at the moment. In the past, from what I have seen, this type of software only produces mumbo jumbo but of course it is promoted as the best thing on the planet though I have my doubts. One probably spends the same amount of time on ensuring their articles make sense with it than if they didn't have it in the first place. What is your opinion of MAC because there seems to be a few "gurus" out there promoting it, which may or may not, indicate that it has some merit.

Would really appreciate your feedback on this if anyone has used it yet as I think Mark promotes AMAutomation which is similar to Matt Callen's My Article Network however, one still has to write the articles for these before that correct? Cheers!


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Below are some results:
Between 27/05/2009 and 29/05/2009 I created 3 articles of c500 words each embedding 3 links to my website

I rewrote about 80% of them 3 times (it may sound scary but it is very easy to do with AMA)

Then I submitted the spun version to about 15 niche topics related to the articles

Below is a cut an paste on my current stat from AMA (I have received about 35 backlinks out of this since then and the backlinks keep coming in, they ranging from PR0 to PR3)

"Site Statistics
Overall, you have 0 sites registered on the system.

Article Statistics
You have 44 articles registered on the system. Those articles have been presented 1,219 times for consideration by site owners.

The articles have been approved 850 times and rejected 80 times, which means your articles have a rejection rate of 9%. A total of 289 copies are still waiting for a decision by site owners.


Interesting strategy...what are you thoughts after 6 months of experience?

Thanks, Joe
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I've used Mass Article Control and its useless. They say it can spin you up to 1000 articles from your original but 999 are crap. If your looking for a useful tool to rewrite articles I suggest you have a look at wordflood. You highlight the sentence you want and it suggests new words you can use, its pretty good after you get used to it.

Another one I've used is power article rewriter and I think its the best of them. You highlight the sentence you want and rewrite it as many times as you want. Its uses a very similar system to AMA automation. It also shows you how unique your article is etc.

As for submitting articles, Matt Callens 'My Article Network' is actually the same as AMA automation and they both use the same network of sites so definitely don't sign up to both!

Yes, for both these networks you need to write the articles first but you can rewrite them within each network after you have signed up

Good luck!
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Hey Kristin, Are you using this in addition to AMA and how much does it cost? Also, I am using now and submitting manually a unique article to the top 10 dofollow article directories based on PR, and I just joined AMA. But now I see this one and think I should not skip it... but man that is alot of article marketing........ bah
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Hi Kirstin,

Thanks for all the info.. I downloaded the free trial for unique article wizard and used it, however it only came up with an article that was 11% different, which doesn't help me at all.. any suggestions?
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Wow! There are so many different opinions and items of software that it can all be so confusing.

My partner and I were getting bogged down in running around trying to compare all types of software and programs. My goodness, procrastination was a major downfall for us.

I read a post entitled, '4 terrible procrastination excuses made by affiliates', on the Affilorama Blog. A part of it reads:

"I really can't afford to pay for Great Recommended Product Pro ... what are your thoughts on Super Affiliate Product?
Imagine someone has recommended a product or a service provider to achieve a certain task, but it costs a little bit of money, so you're looking for other options. Let me ask you this: How much time are you spending trawling around the internet researching? What could you have achieved in the amount of time it took you to investigate these alternatives?
If your objection to a software is purely financial, try to think about your time in dollar terms. If you spend three hours researching web design software, and then a day waiting for a reply to your question on a forum about the web design software... how much is that time worth? How far behind does that put you?
I'm not advocating that you go out and spend money at the drop of a hat, but try to keep things in perspective. If your alternatives involve lots of time spent researching, then lots of time spent doing things manually, or figuring out a completely different way to do something... then it might not be worth the bother."

Food for thought: Mark earns millions each year working as an affiliate marketer... He has worked in this line of business for what? over five years now? If you combine his experience with the experience of his team how many years of experience is that? What is the total wealth of knowledge? He is in constant one-on-one communication with fellow marketing gurus with whom he discusses new products, comparing them with the old, and techniques. Add that to the total wealth of experience. He and his team have trialled many of the products and I would think most of the techniques out there.

Mark has already helped his father, cousins, friends and many others become financially independent and, in some cases, make it rich.

With that in mind, should we accept the advice that we have paid for and follow it, or should we continue to debate the pros and cons and still not find an answer to our questions for ourselves?

I was raised not to trust strangers but I wake up each morning and tell myself unless Mark really upsets me I'm staying on his ship. I'm not ready to jump yet. ;)

So come on Mark, give us the answers and keep up the good work team!!!
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