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Wordpress Line Spacing HELP!

Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09

Wordpress Line Spacing HELP!

Wordpress is slowly driving me crazy. It kind of has a mind of its own!

Does anyone know how to control / set line spacing. Spaces are appearing where I dont put them and I cannot put spaces where I need them!

Please save me from insanity.....
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
You should be able to fix that with the TinyMCE Advanced plugin. The plugin gives you the option to disable the removal of P and BR tags when saving. It is the P and BR tags that can control spaces between paragraphs.
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Posts: 42
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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I will investigate now!

Did I say thank you? Thank you!
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Posts: 42
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Worked! Very happy, that really had been driving me crazy. I dont suppose you know if there is a button to text-wrap around images? It seems that you are fairly limited when it comes to moving images around, another frustration.
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Posts: 42
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Oh no! Faradina can you help me again? Disabling that function worked partly but I still can't get spaces in where I need them. It took out line spaces where I didnt want them but will not put them in where I need them.
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Posts: 1895
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Try putting in <br> tags in html view.
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Posts: 1895
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Re: wrapping text around images, click the image and the click the Edit Image button, and set either Left or Right for the Alignment. That will wrap text to the right or left of the image depending on what you chose.
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Okay I am having a throw-keyboard-at-wall moment.

Wordpress line spacing is still driving me insane. I thought I had figured it out - I discovered that pasting straight from Word can mess things around. So on a new article I used the 'copy from Word' button within Wordpress. However I am still getting spaces where I dont want them. I go into HTML and remove <br> tags or <p> tags, it will work temporarily and then after some more editing I republish only to find the spacing all messed up again.

There is so much overwhelming me today with building my site, so many little things that everyone seems to know about but me!
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And, now every time I hit publish it is adding more spaces. I am really hoping someone can help me.
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Posts: 476
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Hi. Has someone helped you out with your dilemma? I personally hate Wordpress because of the css, the having to know codes, etc. How far along are you in your project? Also, are you doing AB? There's also a community for WP. I'm not sure that would help.
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Warm Regards,


Site Admin
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If you PM me your wordpress login I can have a peek if you like.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
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Hi Shalisha and Aletta, thanks for your replies, you have saved me from the Monday morning blues.

Yes Im doing AB, although it is taking me a while as I'm at home with two children. My determination will win out in the end.

I search the WP online forum and get no joy there either. I only end up confused.

Aletta, I will do that. p.s your a gem!
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I understand. It's difficult to balance your time. But if you make a schedule as best you can and try and stick with it, you'll see the returns. I'm here for you. I have used WP in the past but I don't like it. I love XsitePro. I actually bought it almost 2 years ago and never used it til I got to AB!! Isn't that funny? I think Xsitepro is way easier than WP but WP is free - then again, you get what you pay for (mostly). Let me know if I can help you.
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Warm Regards,


Posts: 42
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Thanks Shalisha, once I get some sales Xsitepro may be on the cards. WP seems really limited to me.

Yes, I need to schedule my time...but need to find time to make a schedule! I would love to hear from anyone else doing AB that is also a stay at home parent.
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google it,,u will find your solutions
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aero garden
Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09
Oh I've been googling, and googling and googling. Aletta has put it straight for me thankfully. (Thanks Aletta). If there was an Aletta fanclub I would be it's newest member!
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