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Why is WP adding a \ in front of every " ?

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Why is WP adding a \ in front of every " ?

I posted this on WP org but no one answered I hope I can get help here.

Hi I'm really having problems trying to set up a sign up box.
I copy the raw html code from Aweber to the sidebar area of my theme but WP inserts a \( backslash) in front of all my " (quotes). Not to mention it adds some other lines into the side bar.

Here is an example the original line looks like this;
<input type="hidden" name="meta_split_id" value="">
this is what happens after I copy it into the WP theme;
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"meta_split_id\" value=\"\">

Whats more curious is that if I don't do anything and just his save again it continues to ad more \ (backslashes) like this.
<input type=\\\"hidden\\\" name=\\\"meta_split_id\\\" value=\\\"\\\">

help would be appreciated.
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You posted the code in the sidebar.php file? Did you try using the javascript instead?

I haven't had this issue before, but it could be a problem with the theme. Are you using a free or premium theme?
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Cause Blogger:
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Thanks for the reply Sandra,

I'm using the AfilloBlueprint theme v.1 by Clarklab.
I'm just pasting it in the sidebar area like Aleta did in the videos.
Just to check that the original html sign in box is correct I tested it by pasting into the body of a page and published and everything seems ok.
It's only when I'm trying to get it to work in the side bar that this occurs.
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Last edited by michellerana on 03 Sep 09 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: spelling error

Site Admin
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If you're having issues with backslashes in the sidebar using the AB theme, make sure that you're using the latest version, available from the AB homepage.

There was an issue where some people were finding that they were running an old version of PHP or the host had magic quotes switched on and it was causing this problem.

If you need more info, just search these forums you'll find plenty of posts about it!

All the best

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Thank you Mark,
It worked! Updating to v.1.1 seemed to do the trick.
Oh no, now I filled in the sign up box for the first time and Aweber is saying "Sorry, the account you tried to access was not found in our customer records"
It's day 3 of trying to get this to work.
I think I'll just jump, lol, just kidding.
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It's working!
It seems that the AB theme kept adding stuff and rewriting the code in a different order.
The guys at Aweber just asked me to start over with fresh code.
I copied the code for the formatting of the signup box, the stuff for the borders and other necessary code to fit the side bar, into the code I got from Aweber. After a few tries it seems to be working now, finally.
Now I can get back to back-link building.

BTW, I don't know if it's because I'm using WP but I'm seeing all the backlinks to my site right there in WP, so I know that Aweber is actually sending out the articles to blogs, I can see 400 so far!
I wonder if I should twitter them?
Also, I have been seeing a rise in my google search rankings. Hopefully I'll make a sale soon.

thanks again.
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I mean of course AMAutomation not Aweber placing the articles. lol
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That makes more sense - I wondered for a minute if Aweber were getting into article marketing!

Glad to hear youre getting some good results with AMA - itll be reassuring for some who get concerned that they dont seem to get any backlinks from using this service, and its advantage to using WP to see those pingbacks - just dont accept them.
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I'm so glad you answered my unasked question of whether I should approve the, now 460, pending comments. Thank you I will make sure I don't approve any of them.
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