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Where should I host my Wordpress blog?

Posts: 9
Joined: 24 Nov 09

Where should I host my Wordpress blog?

When Wordpress is used for affiliate marketing is it best to have it on another host (ex Hostgator) or is it ok to leave it with Wordpress?
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Last edited by michellerana on 16 Feb 10 5:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: improve title

Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi John,
Well there is nothing wrong with using a .wordpress hosted domain.. but hosting your own wordpress blog on hostgator is much better and gives you alot more control.
Also, think about the long term business side of the site.
You want to turn it in to an authority blog or site or you at least want it to be authoritative in nature down the track.
There are some good blogs that use .wordpress.. I found this one
Great page rank and good alexa rank. But If I wanted to use it for a long term site, I would definitely get my own domain.
You can use .wordpress hosted sites for driving traffic back to your main site as well.

Imagine Affilorama being.... www.

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Posts: 9
Joined: 24 Nov 09
Hi Troy;
Thanks so much for your excellent advice.
regards from "up on top" johndes
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Posts: 14
Joined: 08 Dec 09
I asked this same question a month ago and the overwhelming response was Hostgator. I tried Blue Host, but canceled after a week because the support was lame and some of the moderators were downright nasty. I have a free Weebly hosted site and a paid Yahoo hosted site (because I use Y! Sitebulder) that both rank on the first page for their keywords. No problems with either one of them. When I go to purchase again, though, I will try Hostgator.
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Site Admin
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We've recommend Hostgator for a while. They've got a good cPanel, really good and responsive support, two-click installation of wordpress through Fantastico... and there's basically nothing wrong with them. I've had my personal hosting with them for about four years now with nothing to complain about.

That's all I'm after -- nothing to complain about! :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
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Hi Folks,

I've currently gone with 3 different providers and used self hosted Wordpress with all 3. No problems with the installations, however, in all cases the performance was terrible.

I'm talking 70 seconds to update a page, 3-5 second load times for my visitors. Unacceptable.

Fatcow was the only company that seemed to know it was a mySQL hardware issue and they had to add more hardware to fix it.

Long story short, HostGator seems to be a popular choice on Affilorama while Blue Host brands themselves as the best provider for wordpress hosting.

Has anyone reading this ever heard of slow/sluggish self install wordpress, or could this quite possibly be an issue on my end?

Thanks :)

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Site Admin
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Hosting your website is much better than having it on, not only because it lets you use your own website address (domain name), but it also gives you access to your website files and MySQL databases (needed when optimizing for faster loading time). You can also create email addresses using your own domain name and install applications such as a forum (like this), Awstats (for website statistics), photo gallery, etc

Most of the time, sluggishness of a Wordpress site (or any MySQL based site) is due to an overloaded MySQL server. If you are on a shared hosting provider and you have a great number of visitors accessing your site simultaneously, you might consider moving to a VPS server instead. If you want to check how your website loads from a different location, you can go to this website: It allows you to check how fast or slow your website loads using their servers located on different continents.

FatCow and its Moo crew is great. Not sure if they are still that friendly and efficient to this time. FatCow is owned by a larger web hosting giant that owns about 30 other web hosting "brands". One bad thing about FatCow is that since its server is "shared" with other "brands", it goes slow from time to time.
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