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what's "Fatal error: Unsupported operand" on my we

geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07

what's "Fatal error: Unsupported operand" on my we

hi mark & all others,

Adrian point this out to me that my website has usual advert banner replace with a error message

"Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /www/ad_server/class/pl_pricing.php on line 140"

is it a change in hosting coz the name "alphadomainservice" does sound similar.
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Posts: 63
Joined: 11 Dec 06
You need to view the PhP code - in line 140 - a command to do some operation there cannot be completed (it could be a url has a comma instead of a dot or missing slash etc).
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geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07
:D thks! 4 reply, Mimenta. it has solve itself, it's not my problem but a hosting company gitch.
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Posts: 63
Joined: 11 Dec 06
Such are the perils of changing hosts.
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