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What about Hostgator's wordpress and cloud hosting?

Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11

What about Hostgator's wordpress and cloud hosting?

When people recommend Hostgator for web hosting, they often recommend the baby plan because you have unlimited domains.

But, I see now they also have Wordpress Hosting, and cloud hosting. You can even add cloud hosting (whatever that is, I'm not exactly sure) for an extra $1. The cloud hosting sounds like it's faster and looks cheaper than what I'm currently paying which is about $12/month because they've raised their prices on me a couple of times.

So, any thoughts on either of those hosting options? I know for what we're doing (affiliate marketing) we have certain host requirements, but I'm not sure if either of those meet the requirements.
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Kurt,

I checked with a member of our technical staff and in his opinion, there is not much difference with the Wordpress Hosting and the Cloud Hosting that HostGator offers.

You might want to check NameCheap as they offer a more budget-friendly Cloud Hosting package.

Hope that help. All the best!
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So then those options (wordpress and cloud hosting) do meet our host requirements for affiliate marketing websites? Or is it better to go with the standard webhosting option (baby plan at Hostgator)?
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Posts: 96
Joined: 07 Dec 15
Both options meet the requirements for an affiliate marketing website but I would suggest you go with a standard web hosting plan
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Affiliate Manager to The HCF Affiliate Program (30-50% RevShare - Special Niche Market)
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Why do you suggest going with a standard webhosting plan?
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This topic was started on Jan 25, 2016 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
