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Website Shop

Posts: 12
Joined: 02 Jan 07

Website Shop


Can anyone suggest any software for putting a shop on my website? I want to be able to set it up with limited knowledge, accept payments through Paypal and be able to update, add and delete products easily. Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.

Kind Regards
Karen :?
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Why not use the Paypal shopping cart? :)
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I have been using the Paypal shopping cart but I'm adding more stock to my list so I'm looking for a full program which I can use to update, add and delete products easily, as I currently have to do everything manually - creating the page, linking it to the main site then adding the Paypal buttons. Plus as a novice in web design deleting items is a real pain aswell. Something that keeps an inventory and updates stock would be great.

I have seen the product 'homepage MAKER e-shop PRO' in PC World but can't find any reviews and the info on the box is limited so am not sure if it is what I need or not.

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Posts: 63
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I think you can have someone set you up with a shop and make it easy for you to update your site without knowing to much about it. You can prolly do it with Joomla... found out you can do almost anything with Joomla. That things nuts.
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Hi Karen,
Joomla is a very good option! Not only will it give you a shopping cart, but will give you a great Authority site where you can include blogs, forums, chat etc etc. The great thing about Joomla is that it is open source (meaning the code is free distributed... for FREE), and there is a lot of support for it.

Also, many webhosts that use Cpanel have it as a One Click script (under fantastico). Once you install Joomla, you would need to download and install a component called Virtuemart.

If you decide to have a look at Joomla and get lost, let me know!
More than happy to help!

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Ya Chirag would know, hes awesome with Joomla. He converted my entire site to Joomla and added all kinds of cool stuff like a download database.. and im gunna make him add a movies section too ;) saved me thousands of bucks!
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Hi & thanks for your comments,

Just had a look at Joomla, and don't really know where to start! Would you recommend me reading the user manual to get me started or is there something else better to read.

What do I need to download? there are alot of versions and patches?

Sorry to be thick but don't know where is best to start.

Thanks :?
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I been teaching myself as well.

This sites helpful.. they use visuals and step by step instructions. They also make a website from start to finish and show you how they made corrections and changed the templates and all that kind of stuff.
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Yip Start with those tutorials!
Familiarise yourself with the basic concepts of Joomla and then you can add your shop!
Once you get to that stage, PM me, and I can send you the links you need to download all the files for your Online store!

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