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Web hosting with Affilorama

Posts: 3
Joined: 19 Jun 07

Web hosting with Affilorama

Hi there. I just joined today and enjoying the info. I noticed in one of the videos Mark talks about a super deal he has done with godaddy for web hosting for members but I can't find where to access that to evaluate it. Can some one give me the link pls Cheers
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Site Admin
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Hi nsmmarketing,

That video really needs updating, thanks for pointing that out.

We set up Affilorama hosting through GoDaddy back when GoDaddy's hosting was more expensive. We were able to resell GoDaddy hosting cheaper because we took no margin on it. Now their prices are pretty much the same as we were offering, so there's not really any point going through Affilorama hosting. (It just gets confusing for everyone concerned).

If you want dirt-cheap hosting, go look at GoDaddy. You'll also see a lot of people recommending HostGator on this forum... they're pretty good too, with a slightly less convoluted administration system than GoDaddy.

There's a thread about hosting here: ... t1001.html

All the best,
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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There are a few good hosting companies, but I use hostgator too. Best support of any that I've ever used. I sent a support ticket off yesterday and had it answered 2 minutes later.

I also like being able to host multiple sites with the one account. Much better than getting another hosting package whenever you register a new domain :)
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Hostgator, IX webhosting, webmasters, lunarpages
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Posts: 63
Joined: 11 Dec 06
I tried a few here in Australia and gave up - they were too dear or had virtually no help if your login failed. I went off shore to Bluehost and have never had another problem and they are cheap too.
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