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URL Redirection?

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URL Redirection?

Can you help a newbie :D I have bought a domain name but when I try to redirect it to my clickbank affiliate site through my hoplink it says that it is an invalid website address. can you help?
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Who have you bought it through? Ive done this before with CB hoplinks and have had no trouble.

I would recommending trying again, maybe there was some glitch in the system.

If not, one of the guys with more technical knowledge will be along shortly :)
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In addition to lesbar's concern, can someone answer the question - What are redirecting urls good for?

I know one thing they are good for and that is to make a long url short, but is using redirecting urls good for submitting your affiliate programs your involved with to the search engines and directories? And, can it be possible that by submitting your affiliate program this way, you'll get high rankings? taking in consideration that the particular affiliate program's you choose are quality built?

And, can someone explain to me, the correct way to go about getting a redirect url....I mean, I'm thinking, if my memory serves me correctly, that you cannot use redirect urls, such as [] - Instead, I am thinking that you have buy a domain name and register, then somewhere on their site is a way to redirect...?

Thank you for your time!

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lasbar: If you could detail the process you used to try and redirect the link/URL that would help us figure out what the problem is.

Lori: Personally, I use redirect URLs for four reasons.

One, people are fairly savvy. Often times, when they see an affiliate link, they know they trying to be sold something. Having a normal URL makes your recommendation look more like a recommendation than a sales pitch.

Those savvy people can simply change the affiliate link and take out the code necessary to insure you get a commission. And there are people out there who can change your code to their own and steal your commission. A redirect link offers you protection from all of this.

Also, you can track your own redirect links whereas you can't track affiliate links. Let's say you were doing a split test on Google Adwords--using two different ads--and you wanted to see how many people who visited your site via the ads ended up clicking on your affiliate link. However, you want to know which ad was more successful at creating more clicks once people got to your page. You could use two different redirect links to the same affiliate product and then see which redirect link was used the most and then you'd know which ad was most successful.

And finally, using redirect links helps insure you won't experience any serious headaches in the future. Let's say you did a ton of marketing for a product using your affiliate link. Then, a year later, the affiliate disappears and their Web site no longer works. Your link is out there all over the place, but now it, and all your hard work is completely wasted. However, if you used a redirect link, all what you would have to do is change your redirect link to point somewhere else and all your traffic would have a new place to go where you could be selling them a new product or something.

The easiest way to redirect a domain name is to go into the control panel of your Web site (your Web host should have given you info on how to do that) and look for the "Redirect" option and make changes from there. This can be changed easily and often.

There are also javascript and php scripts that are easy to use and will create redirect links. I'd suggest using these because, rather than simply forwarding a domain name, you could create multiple redirect links. As an example, you could have and both directed to the exact same affiliate site.

I am not sure if having a redirect link helps with search engines or directories. Someone else will have to answer that one.
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Excellent Wendy! Thank you very much :)

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If you've *just* bought the domain name, it can take between 12 and 48 hours to propagate. Is it a new domain name? Otherwise you'll need to show us what you did, since there are any number of reasons why it might not work.

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I bought my domain name through a normal domain co. They have a box to redirect my domain name to another website. But when I put a clickbank hoplink address it comes up with not a valid website address. Thanks for all the help. :cry:
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If you have hosting on that domain you can do a permanent 301 redirect using a HTACCESS file. If you have the domain with hosting let me know and I'll tell you what to do.

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I have another website with its own domain name but I am now trying to set up a minisite and point my other domain name to this folder, if that makes sense? I am setting up a seperate domain so that I can track whats going on. :roll:
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All of the techniques will work for what you're trying to achieve. The simplest way is just to redirect your new domain to the folder of the old domain. =>
Is that what you're trying to achieve?
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Alvin, I think she just wants her new domain to be redirected to her affiliate link.

If you're still having trouble, then I'd contact the domain registrar. It's normally no problem to do this.
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