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Upload Camtasia Video To Affilorama Hosting Account

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Upload Camtasia Video To Affilorama Hosting Account

Hello Fellow Members,

Does anyone know if the free hosting affilorama offers allow uploading of camtasia videos??? I have searched in the forum and had no luck finding a thread on it???

I know that Amazon S3 host's videos..... but I was wondering if Affilorama offered it aswell???
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Affilojetpack free hosting has a maximum file upload limit of 8MB.

I think premium hosting has no upload limit but I'll have to ask our technical staff to confirm.

The other thing that you could do (and what we recommend) is to upload your video on youtube and embed the code on your site. That way, you'll also get your own youtube channel through which you can get subscribers.
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Hi Rarbois,

We use S3 and Cloudfront to host and deliver our videos. We have 100's of vids with some up to 30 minutes in length so for us this choice makes sense.

For you the provided hosting might be sufficient as long as you don't exceed the 8MB limit I guess.

We also use YouTube as Michellerana suggests for some videos as it allows greater exposure and the chance to gain subscribers to your channel. But YT also has a limit on the file size and duration of an uploaded video, I can't remember exactly what these are but it's something like 15 mins and 10 GB. YT also messes about with your vid quality so it may or may not result in a video that is of sufficient quality for your customers.

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Hi MIchelle and Phil,

Thanks for the feedback. I greatly appreciate it. I will definitely check out youtube and Amazon S3! Thanks once again

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I use screencast owned by the creators of Camtasia. you can even upload from inside camtasia itself. you can store up to 2gig with the free account which is good for short videos, the paid account is only $9/month
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Here are the upload limits on our hosting servers in response to Michelle's post above:

Premium Hosting:

PHP upload limit: 2 MB
FTP Upload limit: 2 GB (technically the same as available disk space per package or domain in Premium Hosting)

Affilojetpack Lite Hosting:

PHP upload limit: 8 MB
FTP Upload limit: Not applicable since Affilojetpack offers no FTP access.

Note: The PHP upload limit is defined in the upload_max_filesize of php.ini. PHP upload limit applies to files uploaded using your browser (e.g. media upload in WordPress dasboard) while FTP upload limit applies to files uploaded using an FTP client such as FileZilla.
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Thanks for the feedback jmpruitt and mikeantiga. Greatly appreciate it!
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This topic was started on Nov 27, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.