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Updated website review

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Updated website review

Hay guys, i know all of you are busy, like most of us in the IM world.

I recently redisigned my most successful website sort of a face lift ( i did not change any content) as my website as a whole is ranking well i just chaned the visual layout.

CURRENT WEBSITE STATS--- 772 visits (augest) no click thoughs-published redesign augest 1st
i have already made over $800.00 (this year) before redesign. jan-july

it is a dark layout but i think it looks nice-- as from the stats above im possibly leaving tons of money on the table.

i value all input becouse it helps me greatly so when/if any of you get 5 minutes.. i just want your overall opinion first. im still working out a few bugs and tiny changes but here it is

thanks, Nate
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I like your layout, but I am not so happy with the dark theme. The images look blurred to me and I have difficulty reading the text in the website. You might also want to place your tag cloud in the right hand sidebar instead of the bottom of the page. Also, would it be possible to put your opt-in form somewhere higher up the page? You would want to make that as visible as possible.

My two cents. :) Hope that helps.
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Cecille L wrote:I like your layout, but I am not so happy with the dark theme. The images look blurred to me and I have difficulty reading the text in the website. You might also want to place your tag cloud in the right hand sidebar instead of the bottom of the page. Also, would it be possible to put your opt-in form somewhere higher up the page? You would want to make that as visible as possible.

My two cents. :) Hope that helps.

ok i spent today changing the dark to light and changed the opt in around-i plan on doing a bit more but this was just a quick fix---more than a few people comented on a nice layout but did not like the dark
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Because of a small font and a lot of info in Home page, whole page look seems busy, as for me.

Bottom of the site, as well as its footer are empty ones.

Tag cloud should be placed into other position. As concerns my blog, my tags cloud is on the left. And you may place it on the right, it's up to you to decide.

Top rated programs will suggest to separate a bit more, as the first ones came across a little.

Regarding color combination - will advise to bring more colors in, cause your site is too greyish and toneless.

Hope that will help to make some corrections :-)
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The first thing that hit me was that you have spelt the word "wants" with an apostrophe (ie. want's), when it should not have one. There are similar errors in other places. And now that I look around there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors on this first page. The following sentence is particularly poor:

"Money wether $1.00 or $100.00 we know it's had earned so we recommend when you are ready to start your weight loss or abdominal exercise progam you come back here and buy one of the products from our approved program reviews."

Things like this will lower your credibility with a lot of people.

Other things are that I think your header is too big - you could reduce the height of it by 10-20% and it would probably look better. Also, I don't like your navigation panel for the list of topics in the bottom right hand quadrant of the page. I think there should be some consistency is the font, style and placement. It is a bit too random for me.

Other than these things, it looks encouraging for you.
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ok i published the latest updates yesterday
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Posts: 246
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hay guys as some of you know already i have recently updated one of my websites (for the better) i thought

i recently opened/linked a second clickbank acount to the site and also changed all or at least 98% of my aff links to redirects. Like i said i am trying to improve the site for a better enjoyable visit,making the site look clean but also a better aff site.

The new site layout is simular to the old layout with the same content, i was making 1-2 sales/week with old design but with over 1700 visits this month already i have had very little click thoughs and no sales.

but as a whole the website s ranking well on google,yahoo,and bing for selected kw's
so i really dont understand what's going on.
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I like how your site looks now compared to when I last saw it. Navigation within the site is easy, the layout clean and the colors and fonts are easy on the eyes too. I wish you could show us how your site looks before you changed it so we can compare it.

Have you made a sale since you last posted?
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze:
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Cecille L wrote:I like how your site looks now compared to when I last saw it. Navigation within the site is easy, the layout clean and the colors and fonts are easy on the eyes too. I wish you could show us how your site looks before you changed it so we can compare it.

Have you made a sale since you last posted?

sadly no, i have not made one sale sense the updates i cant really figure out why either
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This topic was started on Aug 09, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
