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Suggestions on tasks to Outsource when maintaining websites?

Posts: 18
Joined: 01 Nov 06

Suggestions on tasks to Outsource when maintaining websites?

Hello again everyone!

Recently, I asked about posting comments on blogs. I found the task of going out and finding blogs to be a total pain. After reading the responses I got, I decided to take the leap, invest some money, and outsource tasks.

I found someone who, for a really, really reasonable price, is willing to do as many tasks as I would like for the next month.

So far, I have asked this person to search for blogs and forum, find many articles for me to use on my site and to post a great deal on craigslist.

I won't ask this person to do anything with Adwords--I will handle that myself. I also do my own writing.

But I can't think of any other tasks I should get this person to do to drive traffic to my site.

Should I be asking this person to submit my link to directories?

Are link exchanges something I should be doing myself?

I want to totally utilize the time I have with this person (ok, and get my money's worth as well), but I am drawing a blank as to what other things this person could be doing.

Thanks, once again! I swear, I will stop asking so many questions!
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Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
Hi Wendy,

Sweet... you found someone reliable and affordable, good on you.

Here's an idea... In order to figure out what you want tasks you want this person to do for you, why don't you create a "cheet sheet" for yourself. Detail the steps and process of what you need to do for your site and then you'll not only have a clear picture of what you need to do but a blueprint for your helper to follow. Just include the details of his tasks only on his sheet though or he'll probably leave you to make his own sites :wink:

Good Luck,
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Last edited by promocode on 10 Nov 06 7:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Never stop asking questions. It will only hurt your efforts. Ask as many as you want. I would suggest testing this persons trustworthiness and quality of work before you decide to give them everything to do. If you find them valuable, I would then suggest to start off with minor tasks and work your way up to major ones.

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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
Yep, dont stop asking questions, thats why youre here right? :)

As for outsourcing, think about all the menial little tasks you have to do in order to set a site up. I bet a fair few of them aren't that enjoyable and I also bet that someone else could be doing these for you. In order to make the most money, you should concentrate on the things that only you can do. ie the Marketing, the planning etc.

Hope that helps.
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