Site contents links: text vs images. Yarr, drop ye anchors!!
So I've noticed how within the AffiloBlueprint example site, and many affiliate sites following the program, links tend to always be simple text links. Personally, I'm not very fond of text links if they're not part of an article, and for site navigation I lean more towards styled images to integrate in the site's general graphic (for an example *SITE HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS DANGEROUS* 1 right at the top). What has me worried about this approach, is not the added weight of the site navigation. After all, images are quick and easy alternatives when you haven't been updating your code knowledge in the last ten years. The thing that goes amiss here is the anchor text. Seems kinda obvious, seeing as how it's not a text link anymore. Then again, maybe there is some backstage code voodoo that might allow us to pin anchor text behind an image link. Is there?This topic was started on Jan 18, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.