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Silo Website Structure

henri j
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Aug 07

Silo Website Structure

I have been reading the Master Plan by Mr.Heflin and it makes a lot of sense. I know SBI uses this silo structure and most of their sites rank very nicely.

I am going to restructure my site a bit to make it more siloish.

I have a few main themes to choose for my site:

Comp Websites: 139 million
Quad nominated themes: 3 (one is texas holdem)
TRI nominated themes: 310
Collective EV market share: 3

Those of you who don't use ThemeZoom can ignore those stats pretty much. I put it up because I want to get some feedback from the themezoom users here also.

Basically Poker is a very competitive keyword but it allows me to have silos like:

1) Poker Rules
2) Poker Hand rankings
3) Poker Tournament
4) Poker Room Reviews

Hold em, Holdem (This is my speciality and has been for over 3 years)

Comp Websites: 18.2 million
Quad nominated themes: 4 (holdem, texas holdem, holdem poker, texas holdem poker)
TRI nominated themes: 134
Collective EV market share: 45

But what about Hold em, Holdem? It is a lot less competitive and I have a significantly bigger chance to get into the top 10 in google for it so that's good and most of my articles I can write myself since my profession and passion is texas hold'em.

Then again, will I be able to use the silos I mentioned above anyway?

1) Poker Rules
2) Poker Hand rankings
3) Poker Tournament
4) Poker Room Reviews

I personally don't see a problem with this. Do you guys?

I could categorize my navigation menu into Basic, Intermediate & Advanced categories and have silos with articles (sometimes only just 1-2 articles because the silo is so narrow, but I cuold do an article that is a series of 3-5 shorter pages, thoughts on this?)

And then have other silos like Poker Room Reviews, Party Poker, Bonus Codes, Resources, World Series of Poker below all that.

Would that work if I had a theme of Hold em, Holdem and then went with silos like:

1) Poker Odds
2) Poker Rules
3) Poker Hand Rankings
4) Poker Chart
5) Poker Room Reviews

In my eyes these are relevant to hold'em, don't you think?

I would really appreciate some feedback on this, thanks :)
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
HomePage ---->

----> Holdem
----> Sub Cat1
Sub Cat2
Sub Cat3
Sub Cat4 etc...

-----> Hold Em
---> Sub Cat1
Sub Cat2
Sub Cat3
Sub Cat4 etc...


Remember to link correctly and you will be fine.
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henri j
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Aug 07
Hi Adrian,

I am not quite sure what you mean by your post.

Do you mean I shuold use "Poker" as my homepage then have
->> Holdem
Sub Cat Ex.1 (Holdem Strategy)
Sub Cat Ex.2 (Holdem Tournaments)
Sub Cat Ex.3 (Holdem Rules)
Sub Cat Ex.4 (Holdem Money Management)
Sub Cat Ex.5 (Holdem Poker Rooms)
Sub Cat Ex.6 (Holdem Product Reviews)

Then I could have

->> 7 Card Stud
Sub Cat Ex.1 (7 Card Stud Strategy)
Sub Cat Ex.2 (7 Card Stud Tournaments)

etc etc ?
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
That's right. I would use your most general topic theme as the homepage... then have minor categories right under that....... be it holdem or whatever other major category that poker has........ then under each of those........ the important aspects of each. Like you have. :)
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henri j
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Aug 07
Alright cool, I understand!

Thanks Adrian!
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Posts: 10
Joined: 29 Apr 09
Is that silo, lsi stuff still relevant these days?
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Posts: 1
Joined: 04 Apr 08
Is that silo, lsi stuff still relevant these days?

It's really more relevant today than ever

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