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hello can anyone explain how i structure a silo inside wordpress

i understand the silo with different themes inside the silo

but what i dont no how to do is structure that inside wordpress

some people are saying you have a different page for each category

otheres are saying you dont need a page

i need a system to follow step by step

how do i link in between the pages or posts
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Hi johntrader,

I think most themes have the Silo option in the sidebar. As far as I know, you attach a category for each of your articles so that they appear under a specific category in the sidebar. Some themes let you display just the categories and clicking on that will give you another page where you have a list of the articles under that category. Some themes only allow a Category drop down.

I am not sure how you would structure this if you are using a design software like Xsite Pro. I will look for a good tutorial and post it here.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Simply create the categories first, then assign the pages/posts within those categories. So if your site is about apples, you will have


Red Apples
Green Apples
Yellow Apples

Then within those you will have each page or post.


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hello how do you put a page into the category wordpress doesnt give you that option

i can see that you can with posts

i wanted a category landing page

so it would be from home page to category page and then onto posts

cant see how you would put the pages into the category
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Hi johntrader,

What theme are you using? If you group your posts into categories and have the categories as part of your navigation, when you click on the category, it will bring up a page with a list of the articles under that category. You can check out Mark's site: to see a sample.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Cecille is quite correct, at least when using the AffiloTheme theme as I do. If you have a list of categories, then assign individual posts to each category, the webpage will show only the categories in the sidebar. Clicking on one of these categories will then bring up a page listing all the articles in that category.

The problem is, I think, that this is very unappealing for a visitor to that page. There is little incentive to click on any of the article titles listed. I have been trying to find a better way of presenting this information, so far without success. It would be good, for instance, to have a thumbnail picture attached to each title heading, or some other visual attraction. The ideal answer is a proper dynamic navigation sidebar (as Google Panda seems to like) but, again, I haven't found a widget yet that works with AffiloTheme.

Does anybody have any good ideas or suggestions?
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This topic was started on Jul 24, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.