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for example, if i was trying to SEO "How to tame your dog". Should my website be called "" or at least contain those keywords? thank you
phmegacorp Posts: 42 Joined: 04 Dec 09 Trust:
06 Jan 10 6:02 am
adn rather than create a new topic, my second question is should I learn to use dreamweaver or is Do many of you use Xsitepro? Xsitepro is just more simple but Id like an opinion from experienced individuals
superaff Posts: 352 Joined: 09 Sep 06 Trust:
06 Jan 10 8:30 am
Hey, welcome to the forum.
First, I use the affiloblueprint blog theme (it's for affiloblueprint members only), but xsitepro is pretty easy to use. It's just that I prefer wordpress.
Secondly, it does help to have your main keyword in your domain name, but if you can't, don't worry too much about it.
06 Jan 10 8:55 am
Hi PH, You may find this post helpful. Having at least one keyword in the domain name is beneficial. seo/domain-name-coventions-t2975.html Regards Troy
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.
-- Robert Brault
This topic was started on Jan 06, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.