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Should I use Frontpage 2003 or keep trying Dreamweaver?

Posts: 35
Joined: 16 Apr 07

Should I use Frontpage 2003 or keep trying Dreamweaver?

Hi I'm the same guy of

I tried so hard and spent like 4 hours today banging my head again dreamweaver. Any I can't seem to get it to work. Why in the world can't they have a simple drag and drop funtion.

I have used Frontpage 2003 on previous occasions, and it always did the job for me.

I just want to ask can I use Frontpage 2003 or should I keep trying with Dreamweaver.
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Posts: 35
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and what about expressions.
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Site Admin
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and what about expressions.

Umm... not sure what you're talking about there.

If Frontpage works for you... by all means, use it! I recommend Dreamweaver because it is the most powerful program out there, but the main point at this early stage is to get something up and going. If you're able to do that with Frontpage, do it!

If, somewhere down the line, you start running into walls with Frontpage because of its limitations, THEN you can make the switch to Dreamweaver.

All the best,
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What are you trying to accomplish with Dreamweaver exactly? If you have Frontpage and know how to use it... use it for now... however don't stop learning Dreamweaver.
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I started off using frontpage, then switched to dreamweaver a little while later. I must've had an old version of frontpage or something because I didn't think it was that hard to make the switch and it's definitely not because I'm a computer whiz.

Like Adrian said, let us know what you're trying to do and maybe we can walk you through it.
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ok I'm using frontpage uh just wanna ask one question

see in dreamweaver you can define a site folder and then all you do is copy the entire folder to the host, so all the links to the page, pictures and everything. is that possible with frontpage 2003.
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