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Should I upgrade to Windows Vista?

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Should I upgrade to Windows Vista?

I've been looking at upgrading to Windows Vista, but it looks like I may need to upgrade my system to accommodate for it. :cry:

Actually, I'm happy with Windows XP, but I think I should try to keep up with the standard.

How do you think Vista will affect the Affiliate world, do you think upgrading to vista is essential, or will it be ok just to keep informed of Vista's nuances?

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Upgrading to a new OS is completely up to you.

I personally am going to wait until Julyish-Septemberish to rebuild a completely new machine from scratch with Vista on it. Reasons being are:

1) Hardware incompatibility
2) Major Hacks
3) Bugs and Minor Issues
4) My new system is going to have a lot of high tech stuff (because I like that) so I have to wait on more funds.

It isn't going to affect the affiliate world somuch as how you browse on your own machine. They are taking ideas from Stardock and Mac for the windows aero and 3d clocks and all that. However, I like the looks of it and it will be fun to use once things get worked out....

So I would wait a while... you don't need it yet.

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I doubt that Vista will have any major affect on internet marketers in the short term. All I can think of is that sometime in the future, software manufacturers might stop supporting XP, but since many are still supporting Win 98 I think you're pretty safe for the meantime :) You're more likely to be affected by changes to web browsers (internet explorer, firefox) but even then it's pretty unlikely to be major.

We're in no hurry to upgrade here. Stick with XP.

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Cool, I guess I'll be upgrading to vista when I upgrade my system, not the other way around :)
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I'm planning on getting a new computer soon (fingers crossed :)) and when I do, I guess I'll upgrade to vista, but I'm in no great hurry to be using vista.
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sean06 wrote:I'm planning on getting a new computer soon (fingers crossed :)) and when I do, I guess I'll upgrade to vista, but I'm in no great hurry to be using vista.

Yes you are - don't lie.

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I'm in a hurry to get rid of my current crap computer, but XP does the job for me. Vista looks a bit fancy :P
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Just got an HP Pavillion LT with VISTA - so much cleaner, and easier on the eyes! I strongly recommend the new upgrade despite all the rumours of bugs and leaks.
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jaydebaca wrote:Just got an HP Pavillion LT with VISTA - so much cleaner, and easier on the eyes! I strongly recommend the new upgrade despite all the rumours of bugs and leaks.

Good to see you back Jay. Let us know how it goes :) I will get it with a new system in the fall...

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I just came back this afternoon (25/02/07) from a top level marketing meeting with a major IT training organisation, senior board members and IT MDs from Telcos and several other large international corporations who run large networks with offices here in Melbourne. The theme was planning for Vista training programs for MS Certification.

The consensus is that XP is so stable that Vista will be very slow to take up with the big corporations and the patches will keep Office 2003 capable of reading any Vista unique documents for at least 12 months. Training will not be considered necessary until mid 2008.

We all agreed that Vista is a nice interface and the linux people are laughing that its taken MS 7 years to wake up to the multiple desk top idea but the cost is not justified and if enough people hold off, Microsoft will have to rethink their pricing.

If it aint broke then don't fix it. Also the upgrade is all you need - don't waste your dough on the full version - you can trick the upgrade to clean install - saves you over $100.

Also it costs the same in US dollars in the USA as it does in UK Pounds in the UK (the Pound is roughly 1.75 US dollars). Needless to say it hasn't impressed UK geeks too much!
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I actually managed to CRASH Vista... Same BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH! It was funny actually! I was actually laughing! All is back to normal now, but I agree... if you can hold off... do it! The added cost does not justify the new fangled experience.

If you decide to get it, like I did... expect to waste some time learning all the new fangled stuff. And if you are like me, you will get off on crashing that op sys.

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You'd think at those prices Microsoft would have at least upgraded the Blue Screen Of Death - when you follow their Help instructions, you get to see it often enough!

I heard they left it unchanged so that everyone got to see something familiar.
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:lol: LOL! You just made my day~
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