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Shared or reseller hosting

Posts: 4
Joined: 02 Jul 06

Shared or reseller hosting


I'm looking for a hosting package that will give me unlimited domains.

What are the pros and cons of the above hosting packages and why?

For example,I know that reseller hosting has seperate cpanels for each account, but if all the accounts are mine, whats the advantage of that?

Would you be kind enough to give me a 101 on the pros and cons of these packages, and why one would be better than the other?

What do you all use if you have multiple sites?

Any help, hints or pointers would be really appreciated.

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I know Mark has set up a hosting package for members here that looks to be a really good deal, features unlimited domains and since he hasn't steered us wrong... in Mark we trust :wink: If I weren't so technically phobic I'd switch from my current host...

which is Hostgator. I've had them for over a year and have been very happy with their Baby Croc package for $10/month. It includes unlimited domains but only one control panel. And to be honest, I never felt the need for the separate cpanels of the reseller package - might be a case of not missing what I never had though so maybe someone else will have a different opinion.

I also use virtual hosting through Prohosters for my Adsense sites. I have about 80 sites there each having it's own control panel and found my single cpanel at hostgator to be much easier to use.

Just my two cents, hope it helps :)
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There are no significant differences between the two.

The only major advantage reseller has over shared is that you designate the amount of disk space, bandwidth, etc... you want each domain or "package" to have. I just use a seperate shared account for each site and I am happy with it. It is more personal preference.

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I would recommend Host gators reseller accounts. The small package will allow you to host up to 50 sites depending on how much disk space and bandwith that you use.
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I have a section dedicated to web hosting on my site. feel free to browse and read the articles.

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