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Serious Problem with WordPress Plug-ins

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Joined: 30 May 12

Serious Problem with WordPress Plug-ins

I have what I'm sure is a newbie problems. I've been following the Blueprint and today I was going to add content. Yesterday I finished the plug-ins and the header. However as soon as I try to log into Word Press I get a screen full of messages that look to me to be errors from the plug-ins All Category SEO. Some of it says Cannot modify header information...header already sent by...

Can anyone help??? I can't even get into Word Press!

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Joined: 30 May 12
JohnsonAssociates wrote:I have what I'm sure is a newbie problems. I've been following the Blueprint and today I was going to add content. Yesterday I finished the plug-ins and the header. However as soon as I try to log into Word Press I get a screen full of messages that look to me to be errors from the plug-ins All Category SEO. Some of it says Cannot modify header information...header already sent by...

Can anyone help??? I can't even get into Word Press!


I think I"m going to have to delete the site and start over with Afiliorama since I cannot even open Word Press admin. My header loaded into the website, but that is all. Can I do this and start over from scratch, will it affect my domain?
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For the most part, whenever I have problems with Wordpress, its typically one of the plugins.

Awhile back I couldn't login to my wordpress admin area to even delete the latest plugin that i thought was causing the issue. So, instead, I logged into my hosting cpanel and went into the wordpress files where the plugins were located and deleted the plugin there. I went back to my wordpress site and was then able to login normally...the issue was resolved. So, you might try that first before starting completely over.
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~ Rhonda White
Content Marketing Help:
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Problems like this are why it's best to have a good FTP program, so that you can upload/download, delete, rename, etc. your WordPress files as needed.

As RhondaWhite wrote, you can use the file manager of your web hosting service's Control Panel, but sooner or later you're going to want a good FTP program. As a pro web developer, I favor "WS_FTP Pro".

Don't know much about the free Filezilla FTP add-in for the free Firefox browser, but I note that several people seemed to have trouble using it to set up their AB3 Affilotheme.

You'll need to become familiar with the standard WordPress file structure at some point, if you need to trouble-shoot WordPress. For example, by default, the plugins are at:
{your}/{your hosting service's public root}/{your WordPress folder}/wp-content/plugins/{plugin folders}

For example, the WordPress database management and backup plugin I always use (highly recommended to protect your precious database) is at:
my site blog name/wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager/

If I wanted to delete that "wp-dbmanager" plugin, I'd delete its folder, ".../wp-dbmanager/", since that contains several files and sub-folders and I wouldn't want (or know how) to deal with them individually.

Like everyone, I sometimes go for the free stuff, but (in my opinion) If you consider yourself to be seriously in the business of online marketing, you'd be wise to invest real money in a few of the basic tools ASAP (e.g. the best commercial WordPress themes and frameworks, FTP program, CSS and HTML Code Validators, Dreamweaver, Photoshop Elements, Office 2010 [for doing PDFs in Word 2010] to start).

I use WS_FTP Pro several times every day and would not want to be without it. And remember, once you understand blog creation and maintenance for online marketing, you'll have a marketable skill producing blogs for others, to help support your biz - if you have good basic tools and know how to use them. And the best tools will make you more profitable by making your billable tasks easier and faster.

To paraphrase an old saying: "[If you're lucky] you get what you pay for." Free is not always best.

Hope this helps...
_jim coe
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I so much appreciate your help! Unfortunately when I go into the control panel there are no word press files so I think I'm going to have to start over. I hate that, though, because I'm not sure what I did wrong.

Maybe I'm too much of a newbie and I'm not understanding. Hopefully I can learn my way through this and then understand better. It's so frustrating not to know what you've done to create a problem!

When I click on the File Manager, this is all I see:

Name Size Type Date Modified Permissions

.bash_logout 18.00 B Other File Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:45:00 PM 644
.bash_profile 176.00 B Other File Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:45:00 PM 644
.bashrc 124.00 B Other File Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:45:00 PM 644
cgi-bin 4.00 KB Directory Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:45:00 PM 711
logs 52.00 B Other File Thursday, June 14, 2012 2:01:00 PM 777
public_html 4.00 KB Directory Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:45:00 PM 711

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Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12
If you didn't do anything to delete your WordPress files, they should still be there.

Do you know the file path for your web hosting service? Your WordPress stuff is inside a folder which is inside another folder, something like:
/public_html/wordpress/ or some such.

Different web hosting services use different names for their "public root" folder. Mine ( uses "public_html", which is the start of the folders which the public can access (so all your stuff goes inside (or "under") that folder. And the WordPress folder will be called whatever you named it, perhaps the name of your niche market core keywords? Sometimes newbies just leave it called "wordpress".

You might even have created an unnecessary additional folder or two inside/under the public root one.
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This topic was started on Jun 13, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.